
The New Male Power Shoppers
April 16, 2019 at 2:04 pm

Despite conventional wisdom to the contrary, men are shopping both online and in-stores at higher rates than women. As discovered in First Insightโ€™s latest consumer survey, The Rise of the New Male Power Shopper, men are bucking long-believed trends surrounding shopping habits. Men are more frequently shopping across all major channels both online and in-store,โ€ฆ

Myths vs. Facts: Exposing Myths in Retail Payments
April 15, 2019 at 11:27 am

In our bustling retail landscape โ€” todayโ€™s most competitive market โ€” itโ€™s hard to believe that many online merchants, particularly those based in the U.S., avoid access to global transactions. When considering U.S. cross-border e-commerce is expected to generate sales of $203 billion by 2021, it should be a no-brainer for online retailers to consider capitalizingโ€ฆ

Among an Avalanche of Choices, How to Choose B-to-C Software for Your E-Commerce Company
April 15, 2019 at 9:39 am

The e-commerce industry will be responsible for about $3.45 trillion in sales this year, and is only continuing to grow. Itโ€™s not surprising that business-to-consumer (B-to-C) e-commerce is a huge part of this growth, with the global B-to-C e-commerce market expected to reach over $7.7 billion by 2025. For brands that want to create meaningfulโ€ฆ

Reduce Email Fatigue: 5 Ways to Increase Average Order Value
April 11, 2019 at 1:16 pm

Many online retailers invest significant resources in email marketing to drive new and existing customers to their sites. Of course, too many emails can cause email fatigue, tuning customers out and weakening brands. There are certainly other ways to drive traffic, such as paid search and digital advertising, but these approaches come with a price.โ€ฆ

How Do You Raise ARPU? By Creating Hyperpersonalized, AI-Driven Experiences
April 10, 2019 at 12:48 pm

While Amazon.com continues to dominate e-commerce, a report from Gartner suggests that its core business is slowing, with legacy retailers building up their own e-commerce operations. Like Amazon, successful online retailers are focusing on increasing average revenue per unit (ARPU) as a competitive strategy, not just to establish themselves in the online commerce space butโ€ฆ

The Opportunities and Challenges Facing Brands in an Amazon Ecosystem
April 9, 2019 at 12:36 pm

Successfully selling on Amazon.com requires a dramatically different skill set than what todayโ€™s brands use across their own e-commerce websites. Many of these brands, which have been historically reluctant to sell on marketplaces, are reworking their e-commerce strategies to include Amazon at the center for the significant brand-building and revenue-generating opportunity it represents. This year,โ€ฆ

The Amazon Effect on Physical Retailers: How Not to End Up Like Sears
April 8, 2019 at 11:04 am

As Jeff Bezos expands the Amazon.com empire, its dominance is impacting consumer behavior as well as legacy business models across more business sectors than we could have originally imagined. Itโ€™s been referred to as the Amazon Effect. One notable ripple of the Amazon Effect has been felt by traditional retailers. The profound impact has beenโ€ฆ

Donโ€™t Fight Amazon, Embrace It
April 3, 2019 at 10:44 am

Itโ€™s impossible to discuss retail or e-commerce these days without mentioning Amazon.com. Much has been written about Amazon being the demise of small retailers and startups, and many articles offer ideas on how to compete or work around the 800-pound gorilla. But sometimes the old adage โ€œif youโ€™ canโ€™t beat them, join themโ€ holds true.โ€ฆ

Tackling the Website Accessibility Challenge
April 1, 2019 at 10:33 am

โ€œWebsite accessibilityโ€ is a term thatโ€™s rapidly gaining buzz and sparking a lot of uncertainty and concern in the e-commerce space. Though the term simply means ensuring equal access to all content, transactions and merchandise on a website, regardless of a userโ€™s ability, retailers are often left wondering specifically how it affects them. When theโ€ฆ

A Thorn in Jeff Bezosโ€™ Side โ€ฆ But a Rose for Fashion E-Commerce Players
April 1, 2019 at 10:07 am

It must drive Jeff Bezos crazy. For the wizard who has cracked the code on how to dominate e-commerce for everything from books to food to diapers and car parts, one category has eluded him: fashion. Bezos is not alone. Around the globe, fashion consumers remain out of reach for behemoth online retailers like Amazon.comโ€ฆ