
Secure & Retain High-quality E-mail Lists
March 1, 2003

E-mail marketing has undergone a major transition during the past couple of years. A survey conducted by The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) found that two-thirds of U.S. companies claimed an increase in their sales in 2001 as a result of using e-mail marketing. Catalogers who use this marketing vehicle seem to do particularly well: Based on a June 2002 report from DoubleClick, catalogersโ€™ e-mails have the highest click-through rates of any industry โ€” 9.5 percent. One of the main reasons e-mail marketing is enjoying success is the increased quality of the e-mail lists available. While there continues to be considerable controversy about how

25 Tips to Boost Web Traffic & Sales
February 1, 2003

As the difficult economy soldiers on, undoubtedly youโ€™re looking to improve sales from all channels, including your Web site. But how will you do so? Amy Africa, president of Creative Results, an online research and consultancy based in Williston, VT, offered attendees of last fallโ€™s conference for the New England Mail Order Association the following tips for e-tailers who want to increase Web traffic and generate more sales. 1. Make your site load fast. The average site loads in 46 seconds on a dial-up modem, but most people decide if theyโ€™re going to stay on a site within eight to 12 seconds. So theyโ€™re

Online Sales: The Bright Spot of the 2002 Holiday Season
February 1, 2003

Though overall sales may have lagged during the 2002 holiday shopping season, a notable increase in online purchases gives catalogers reason to keep their chins (and hopes) up. Consumers spent almost $13.7 billion online during the 2002 holiday-shopping season, marking a more than 24-percent, year-over-year increase from 2001, according to the eSpending Report from The Goldman Sachs Group, Harris Interactive and Nielsen/NetRatings. Compounding this is a new survey from The Direct Marketing Association, which found that 78 percent of catalogers increased their holiday Internet sales in 2002, with an average percent increase of 47.3 over the 2001 holiday season. Several catalogers said

Case Study: TopBulb Beckons with Search Engine Terms
February 1, 2003

Problem: Boost a B-to-B catalogโ€™s reach Solution: Expand sales into the consumer market using search engine marketing Result: 30 percent of TopBulbโ€™s overall sales now come from the consumer market, from 0 percent four years ago Consumers began finding their way to the TopBulb.com Web site soon after its launch in 1999, and they found the site almost exclusively through search engine marketing. Until 1998, Indiana-based Gray Supply Co. produced only a print catalog, selling hard-to-find light bulbs to the b-to-b and medical markets. Though the companyโ€™s founders had hired Phil Bonello as president and CEO that year to increase sales, he also saw

Bombay Company Finds an E-mail Match
January 1, 2003

When Matt Corey joined furniture and accessories merchant Bombay Company as vice president of e-commerce in May 2002, he had his work cut out for him. The companyโ€™s existing e-mail program not only was costly, but it lacked Web-based and usability tracking tools. โ€œWe needed a program that would grow with us,โ€ says Corey. The companyโ€™s combined needs for a source of advice on best e-mail practices, more efficient e-mail campaigns and Web-technology management led it to e-mail solutions provider Silverpop, which offers Dynamic Messaging 3.0 software. The solution enables users who arenโ€™t already familiar with information technology to rapidly

Anatomy of a Home Page
October 1, 2002

Hereโ€™s an analogy: Home page is to Web site as storefront is to retail and cover is to catalog. In short, itโ€™s the first impression prospects have of your company, and a critical one at that. In fact, a home page has to work even harder than a retail storefront or print cover because it must facilitate transactions further on in the site, says Bridget Fahrland, executive creative director at e-business consultancy Fry Multimedia. โ€œIt canโ€™t just be about catching the eye. Something there has to get [customers] to go deeper,โ€ she explains. Though much of home page design depends on each catalogerโ€™s

Climb to the Top of Search Engine Charts
September 1, 2002

Want to know the secret to stellar search engine rankings for your catalog? Itโ€™s not technical tweaks or coding tricks. Page-one search engine rankings on spidering search engines such as Google and Inktomi mostly hinge on one thing: your Web site copy. Search engine optimization (SEO) writing entails expertly weaving keyphrases (e.g., cashmere sweaters, menโ€™s digital watches) throughout your online marketing text. Proper keyphrase research and positioning will reward you with top-tier rankings and online branding. But if you starve the search engine and ignore your keyphrases, your site rankings may slump. Brand Your Business, Beat Your Competition If youโ€™ve ever believed that your

Case Study: Godiva Sweetens Its Site
September 1, 2002

The fish are the last to discover the sea, so says the Chinese proverb. This analogy may stretch to Godiva, whose staffers had been working so closely with its site they werenโ€™t sure what was needed to make it even better. According to Beth Brown, Godivaโ€™s senior manager of interactive, prior to an October 2001 makeover the companyโ€™s interactive group tweaked its site based only on competitive benchmarking and intuition. โ€œBefore, I literally had mock-ups [of page designs] and would ask [my staff] what they thought,โ€ she says. This time, Brown sought advice directly from customers with usability testing. Brown and

Products: From Paper to Pixels
September 1, 2002

A customerโ€™s online and print product experiences can be summed up as the difference between two words, according to Bridget Fahrland, executive creative director at e-business consultancy Fry Multimedia. โ€œThe Web provides proactive shopping, while a print catalog provides reactive shopping,โ€ she explains. โ€œOn a Web site, youโ€™re allowed to play more with what you see.โ€ But make sure to play by the rules; a balance of romantic (read: promotional) copy and helpful product information is key to keeping a userโ€™s interest, and consequently, business. Petra Schindler Carter, director of consulting services at Fry, points out that consumers donโ€™t have to make cognizant decisions

Integrate Your E-commerce Solutions
July 1, 2002

Long after the Internet bubble burst, e-commerce is alive and well for direct marketers and is the fastest-growing direct commerce sales channel. Catalog companies have three options for managing the dynamic online marketing environment. An Independent Adjunct At one extreme, a catalogโ€™s e-commerce operation can stand alone as a totally independent adjunct to the traditional enterprise. Although it may share some of the same merchandise, it also may feature items that are not in the catalog. When it does offer catalog items, they may be only a subset of the full catalog line. In this extreme scenario, no effort is needed to