
E-commerce: Six Ways to Effectively Leverage Online Customer Reviews
February 27, 2007

Online product reviews can create opportunities around one of the oldest direct marketing tools: customer testimonials. Such reviews and ratings can drive conversions on your Web site. Take Petco.com, for instance. Visitors that browse the top-rated product pages on Petco.com convert 49 percent more often and spend 63 percent more than browsers using other categories, according to the pet supplies marketerโ€™s vice president of e-commerce John Lazarchic. He revealed these facts and a number of tips at a session at the eTail conference, held earlier this month in Palm Desert, Calif. 1. Solicit initial reviews through promotions. โ€œWhen we first launched the program, we promoted

Panel Q&A: How to Fund Online Customer Experience Initiatives
February 27, 2007

Without a clear indication of how a better customer experience will increase the bottom line, how do you prove the worth of such projects to your top bean-counters? E-commerce executives at several multichannel merchants and one service provider addressed this topic in a panel discussion at the recent eTail conference in Palm Desert, Calif. Question: How do you show the value of a user experience project and get it funded? It doesnโ€™t need to be more difficult to apply an ROI on the user experience; you can monetize it. You can improve the look of your shopping cart and see higher conversion. Weโ€™ve done

Search Engine Optimization: Four Tips for Higher Search Rankings
February 27, 2007

An effective search engine optimization strategy isnโ€™t just about having the right products in the right place when customers are looking for them. Site content and the way in which you present and link to products on your site all contribute to higher rankings in search engine results. In a whitepaper, โ€œ20 Organic Search Marketing Tips,โ€ distributed at the eTail conference held earlier this month in Palm Desert, Calif., search marketing services and content provider LifeTips offered the following tips on providing better content and increasing the popularity of your site. 1. Donโ€™t provide content, provide solutions. More than just information relevant to your brand,

A True Multichannel Experience
February 23, 2007

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Catalog Success: The Corner View. Coming to you directly from the keyboard of Catalog Success editor in chief Paul Miller, this fortnightly e-newsletter will reach your inbox every other Friday. In all of our channels โ€” the monthly print magazine, the weekly Idea Factory e-newsletter and our daily Web site โ€” Catalog Successโ€™ mantra is to provide you with moneymaking ideas that can help you run your catalog/multichannel business better. Always on the lookout for new products that we can offer our readers, we bring you this executive report with analysis and reflections on the catalog/multichannel business, specifically targeted

E-commerce: Three Personalization Strategies and Requirements
February 20, 2007

One of the great advantages of Internet marketing is the ability to personalize the user experience, provided you have the data, expertise and technology to do so. E-commerce executives from three multichannel merchants shared their assorted experiences, strategies and failures with personalization during a session at last weekโ€™s eTail conference in Palm Desert, Calif. 1. Personalization is just a fancy name for segmentation, according to Andrew Knight, manager of online user experience at big-box hardware retailer The Home Depot. โ€œPersonalization starts with customer registration; thatโ€™s where we get a lot of the segmentation data for personalization efforts,โ€ he said. Personalization then can address anything

Multichannel Integration: Three Tactics to Achieve Channel, Brand and Market Segment Profitability
February 20, 2007

As evidenced by recent surveys, including one in this issueโ€™s By the Stats column, multichannel integration and customer acquisition across channels are both issues of increasing importance to catalogers, online merchants and brick-and-mortar retailers. Executives from several multichannel merchants gave their strategies for achieving success across multiple channels, brands and market segments in a panel session at last weekโ€™s eTail conference in Palm Desert, Calif. 1. On getting Internet marketing funds from reluctant executives: โ€œOne of the ways we raised awareness for e-marketing was to break out the sales that were attributed to Internet marketing on the formal P&L,โ€ said Maureen Daney, vice president and

E-commerce: How Interactive Additions to HP.com Increased Sales, Reduced Exit Rates
February 20, 2007

As evidenced by the proliferation of shows like eTail, nearly every cataloger and brick-and-mortar retailer has its own Web site. But what does that Web site do for your brand? Is your business on the Web to sell, build the brand or just keep up with the competition? Prior to a recent redesign of HP.com, Hewlett-Packard defined its online priorities and took steps to address them with Web 2.0 features, such as blogs, podcasts and interactive content, said Stephanie Acker-Moy, vice president of customer experience at HP.com, in a keynote session at last weekโ€™s eTail conference in Palm Desert, Calif. Below are her top three

E-commerce: Three Next-generation Strategies to Increase Revenue
February 13, 2007

The Internet constantly is shifting and revealing new opportunities to engage and reel in new customers to your brand. Web. 2.0 technologies such as blogs and podcasts have allowed merchants to communicate with their customers in unique ways. But beyond Web 2.0 are strategies and technologies that will allow you to create an even more interactive dialog with your customers. Doug Mack, president and co-founder of online rich media provider Scene 7 offers a few of these emerging strategies in his recent whitepaper โ€œE-commerce 3.0: How E-commerce Becomes a Uniquely Great Experience.โ€ * Market to broadband consumers. Web site designers traditionally have had to

Small Companies Outpace Big Box Retailers in Search Engine Marketing
February 13, 2007

Big box stores represented just 5.3 percent of Web sites displayed during holiday 2006 product searches on the three largest search engines, according to a recent report released by search marketing and optimization firm Internet-Engine. By comparison, independent e-commerce stores made up 32.3 percent of results, while manufacturer sites and comparison shopping sites pulled down about 21 percent each. Big box retailers did marginally better in some categories, while independent merchants fared significantly better in some cases. Select product search results follow below: Watches: 2.5 percent of results - big box retailers; 40.8 percent - independent merchants; 11.7 percent - manufacturers; and 34.2 percent

Search Engine Marketing: Five Steps for More Effective Paid Search Ad Copy
February 6, 2007

As you work to improve conversion rates across your online marketing programs in 2007, consider the following five steps for more effective search engine marketing ad copy, offered by search marketing firm MoreVisibility, in a recent whitepaper. 1. Use the paid keyword in the ad. In both Google AdWords and MSN AdCenter, if you include in your ad the search term your potential customer used to trigger your ad, the keyword will be bolded, which helps them stand out on the page, the whitepaperโ€™s authors write. 2. Make a unique and immediate call to action. Your call to action should invite the searcher to