
Web 2.0: What it Means to You
July 1, 2007

If youโ€™re confused about what exactly Web 2.0 is, youโ€™re in good company. This often-repeated buzzword has many Web site owners โ€” not just catalogers โ€” scratching their heads and wondering what the heck Web 2.0 is and whether their sites need it. Fear not. Web 2.0 actually is a broad term, closer to a concept encompassing a whole cluster of new tools and techniques used on Web sites. You didnโ€™t see them three to five years ago. Itโ€™s not a software package you can buy from Microsoft or build yourself, but rather a catchphrase that denotes your Web site is keeping current with the

E-commerce Insights: The (Free) Benefits of Googleโ€™s Webmaster Central
July 1, 2007

If youโ€™re not using Googleโ€™s Webmaster Central, you should start. Google Webmaster Central is a great bundle of free Google tools to help you understand how Google indexes your site. Itโ€™s essential to ranking well in Googleโ€™s natural rankings. And as a bonus of sorts, by fixing problems revealed by Webmaster Central, you often can improve your positioning on secondary engines, too. For starters, you need a Google account. Go to: https://www.google.com/accounts/newaccount. Next, go to (and bookmark) the Google Webmaster Central homepage: www.google.com/webmasters. The Help Center, blog and forums are worth monitoring. These resources provide valuable advice from Google and outsiders for successful

E-mail: The Right E-tools for the Job
July 1, 2007

While the sophistication of high-end e-mail marketing tools can be a bit daunting, virtually any cataloger can find an e-mail marketing package that will increase sales without breaking the bank. โ€œAlthough it is often taken for granted, the power of e-mail derives from its ubiquity,โ€ says David Hallerman, a senior analyst at market research firm eMarketer and author of โ€œE-Mail and Word-of-Mouth: Connecting With Your Best Customers.โ€ He notes that about 90 percent of U.S. Internet users are regular e-mail users, โ€œclearly an audience that has attained critical mass. Although spam makes it harder to reach customersโ€™ inboxes, e-mailโ€™s personal impact is unmatched

Best Ways to Review Your Ad Words
July 1, 2007

After considering visitorsโ€™ words, I visit The Webmaster Central Page Analysis tab to review my words. Page Analysis reveals the key phrases Google believes characterize your content. For this characterization, it studies the words on your site and the words in external links pointing into your site (โ€œanchor textโ€). For example, suppose youโ€™re a widget cataloger who canโ€™t figure out why Google doesnโ€™t display your site for โ€œwidgetโ€ searches. The Webmaster Central Page Analysis tab can help you see your site as Google does โ€” the first step to making improvements. Page Analysis shows that my site scores highly for โ€œrimmkaufmanโ€ and โ€œrimm-kaufmanโ€

Internet Advertising Still Requires Gut-and-Instinct Approach
June 19, 2007

While many over the years have tried to break down Internet advertising to an exact science, the most effective method is still a combination of luck and guesswork, according to Taddy Hall and Robert Barocci from recently published their book, โ€œThe Online Advertising Playbook: Proven Strategies and Tested Tactics from the Advertising Research Foundationโ€ (Wiley 2007, ISBN: 978-0-470-05105-4, $29.95). There are a number of ways that catalogers and other multichannel merchants can succeed advertising on the Web. The book contains a bunch of them. Below are several excerpted from it. Create a balance between reaching the right people the right number of times with

E-commerce: eBay CMO Advises Heavy Focus on Consumer First, Technology Second
June 19, 2007

In a session on the future of online retailing that he delivered during the recent Internet Retailer Conference in San Jose, Calif., Gary Briggs, chief marketing officer at eBay, outlined several key challenges to attendees, some of which his company has been acting on, some not. Below are some of his key points. 1. โ€œAre we challenging each other to truly innovate, as opposed to mostly copying each other,โ€ he asked. โ€œAt eBay, we need to drive more innovation in the auction platform to make the eBay brand stronger. Sameness doesnโ€™t drive consumer demand.โ€ 2. โ€œAre we listening to consumers and the new ways

Online Product Research: Web Shoppers Want Complete Information Online
June 12, 2007

Online shoppers are more likely to return to Web sites and shop in stores of retailers that provide their complete product information online, according to a survey of online consumer product research habits released on June 5 by content integration services provider WebCollage. Below are some of the most noteworthy findings from the survey. * 91 percent of online shoppers polled said they felt itโ€™s important or very important for retailers to provide complete product information online * 44 percent of respondents said they felt retail Web sites donโ€™t have the most complete product information * 33 percent said theyโ€™re concerned that retailer product

E-Commerce: Five Tips for Managing Online Strategy
June 5, 2007

Whether youโ€™re an established cataloger needing to tweak your online presence or a relative newcomer, todayโ€™s Web holds nearly limitless potential for marketing and selling. In many respects, smaller companies are no longer dwarfed by their bigger counterparts when they effectively use todayโ€™s powerful Web 2.0 applications. Such tools as videos, podcasts, rich graphical presentations and other content-rich media applications help level the playing field by infusing fresh content to your site and in turn, feed search engines. Before jumping on the Web 2.0 bandwagon, though, itโ€™s helpful to take a step back and plan an online strategy. Here are some guidelines we use in

E-commerce Insights: Speed Up Your Site to Sell More
June 1, 2007

Speed is an often-overlooked component of Web site usability. Users perceive faster sites as more functional. Usable Web sites sell more. If a site responds quickly, users are less likely to abandon ship if they get confused. Case closed. Read on! Best-of-class organizations, such as Google, Craigslist and Amazon.com, deliberately strive for site speed. Regardless of your size, your Web team can and should do the same. Thereโ€™s no โ€œmagic bulletโ€ to speed up your site, however. Speed comes from implementing many simple changes. Here are four broad strategies and 24 tactics to speed up your site. Strategy 1: Manage for Speed

IndustryEye: Catalogersโ€™ Updates & People on the Move
June 1, 2007

Catalogersโ€™ Updates PetSmart: The multichannel pet supplies retailer in late April sold its State Line Tack equine assets to PetsUnited, a holding company for a Web-based marketer of pet and equine products, including Dog.com, Fish.com and Horse.com. PetsUnited plans to move the State Line Tack online and catalog business from Brockport, N.Y., to its Hazelton, Pa., facility by July. Cutter & Buck: This apparel cataloger/designer in April agreed to be acquired by the Sweden-based New Wave Group AB, a designer/marketer of assorted apparel lines for the corporate promotional and consumer retail markets in Europe. Under New Wave Groupโ€™s ownership, Cutter & Buck