
Aeropostale Site Goes Global
September 22, 2011

Aeropostale announced that it's expanding its reach to international consumers through a partnership with FiftyOne Global Ecommerce. Consumers in more than 90 countries worldwide can now purchase directly from Aeropostale.com.

Video: Esprit's Change in Strategy
September 22, 2011

Mohan Singh, head of Asian consumer equity research at MF Global, believes that Esprit's growth is likely to come from emerging markets like India and China.

eBay Launches an Online Fashion Outlet
September 21, 2011

eBay's new Fashion Outlet is yet another destination for fashion on the auction site, alongside the company's Fashion Vault and Designer Exclusives. This is a "buy it now" kinda thing, so there's no pesky bidding. Instead, eBay tells you how many quantities are in stock for a given item. Meaning, there's more time to shop, and no need to battle it out in a bidding war.

Experts Predict More Retail Sales, Fewer In-Store Shoppers This Holiday Season
September 21, 2011

Despite the struggling economy and high unemployment rates, consumers plan to stuff their holiday stockings a little fuller this year. According to ShopperTrak, national retail sales when compared to the same period last year, will rise 3.0 percent during November and December, while foot traffic will decrease 2.2 percent.

5 Tips to Make Your Web Store a Holiday Favorite
September 21, 2011

It happens every year, the brief window of time when shoppers emerge in droves and raid the world of retail in search of the latest products and most attractive promotions. Itโ€™s the holiday shopping season, and in todayโ€™s multichannel environment the lines at brick-and-mortar stores are dwindling as more consumers transition to the digital realm.

Digital Shift in Plain Sight at Shop.org Conference
September 20, 2011

It's no surprise that the majority of cross-channel retailers are focusing their attention online when analyzing the future growth of their companies. Consumers spent $165.4 billion online last year, an increase of 14.8 percent compared to 2009, according to the U.S. Commerce Dept. While certainly eye-catching numbers, that $165.4 billion accounted for less than 5 percent (4.2 percent to be exact) of total retail spending. So you can see why there's such excitement over the future of the e-commerce space โ€” retailers have barely scratched the surface when it comes to the medium.

Wayfair Acquires Australian Home Goods Site
September 20, 2011

Online home goods giant Wayfair (formerly CSN Stores) today announced that it's acquired Australian online home goods retailer Buyster.com.au. Wayfair already owned 50 percent of the company, but has now purchased the remaining 50 percent stake from technology investment firm, Netus.