
Norton Seal Datasheet
July 18, 2012

You've invested time and money in your website - developing great content, optimizing it for search engines, and investing in online advertising. But once visitors find you, how do you get them to buy, click, or call? You have to build trust. Give your customers peace of mind - from search to browse to buy - with the Norton™ Secured Seal, the most recognized trust mark on the Internet. The Norton Secured Seal is an indispensable tool for increasing your customers' perception of safety and trust when they do business online. When visitors see the Norton Secured Seal, they know they can trust the link, trust the site, and trust the transaction. Displaying the Norton Secured Seal on your website can help make your visitors more likely to convert from visitors to customers and less likely to abandon their shopping cart.

Grow Your Business by Building Consumer Trust
July 18, 2012

Now more than ever before, small businesses need to implement strategies that build and improve consumer trust. If a user doesn't feel safe on a website, they'll leave, and the chances are high they'll never come back even if nothing has necessarily gone wrong.

Even the best search engine optimization (SEO) can't help if users don't perceive your site as credible.

Learn to establish a strong online relationship with your customer that is built on trust by bolstering security and authenticating your site.

Security and Trust: The Backbone of Doing Business Over the Internet
July 18, 2012

Download this white paper to learn about the importance of providing your customers a secure and trustworthy online experience and technology available that helps online businesses protect sensitive customer data, authenticate themselves, and build consumer trust.

Securing Microsoft Exchange 2010 with Symantec™ SSL Certificates: Best Practices for Securing Your Email Server with SSL Certificates and Subject Alternative Names
July 18, 2012

Innovative companies are responding to the challenge of supporting an increasingly mobile workforce. Providing secure information is not without its difficulties. Symantec uses an end-to-end multi-layered approach to protect Exchange and the data it holds. This enables you to: Keep bad things out - Keep good things in - Be ready to handle the unexpected.

Internet Trust Marks: Building Confidence and Profit Online
July 18, 2012

Increase your Web site's potential with a trust mark. Learn how to increase transactions on your site and decrease shopping cart abandonment when you read this white paper. Download this paper and you will learn just how beneficial trust marks are to online businesses.

Smaller and Independent Stores Lead in Generating Sales From Pinterest
July 18, 2012

Nearly one in five online shoppers claim that their recent purchase made after seeing the image on Pinterest was at Etsy.com, according to the latest study from the Bizrate Insights Image Sharing and Shopping Series. Branded stores and small boutiques came in a close second and third with 13 percent and 12 percent completing their purchases at the aforementioned, respectively. 

LivingSocial Launches E-Commerce, a Business Worth $200M a Year
July 18, 2012

LivingSocial officially announced its first foray into selling physical products. LivingSocial Shop is similar to the company's original business in that it will send an email to consumers offering a limited set of products at a discount. But unlike the rest of the Washington, D.C.-based business, which sells vouchers that are redeemed at spas and restaurants, these products will be delivered right to a customer's door.

Mobile Commerce Rises While Social Shopping Drops in 2Q, Report Finds
July 17, 2012

Mobile shopping rose while social media sales fell, providing an indication of where U.S. retailers may invest in order to capture the attention and loyalty of the digital consumer, according to a new report from IBM. The IBM Retail Online Index, a cloud-based analysis of the online retail sector, reported that retailers experienced 15 percent growth in sales from mobile devices but saw a 20 percent decline in sales traced to social media based on a much smaller base over a three-month period.