
Prime Day is Biggest Day Ever for Amazon
July 13, 2016 at 11:00 am

Well, so much for early day checkout issues sabotaging Prime Day 2016. By the end of yesterday, Amazon.com announced that its self-created holiday gave the company its biggest sales day ever, with orders rising more than 60 percent worldwide compared to last year's Prime Day. In the U.S. alone, orders were up more than 50 percent fromโ€ฆ

Amazon's Prime Day Marred by Checkout Problems
July 12, 2016 at 1:33 pm

Amazon.comโ€™s Prime Day has been marred by many customers reporting problems checking out, potentially slowing down business on a day the online retailer was hoping would yield hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and spur sign ups to its Prime program. On Tuesday morning at 7:40 Eastern time, the retailer said on Twitter thatโ€ฆ

Use Customer Data to Succeed When Amazon Enters Your Marketplace
July 12, 2016 at 7:47 am

Retail giant Amazon.com recently expanded its new Handmade marketplace, similar to Etsy, where artisans can sell handcrafted goods. Considering Amazonโ€™s scale and widespread consumer audience, other online marketplaces have reason to be concerned. With its one-hour delivery rolling out across the U.S. and rumors of its own delivery service emerging, Amazon has perfected supply chain logistics. Unlike many companies, itโ€ฆ

Wal-Mart Gives Customers Free Shipping This Week
July 11, 2016 at 1:56 pm

Wal-Mart is getting a jump on Amazon Prime Day. From July 11 through July 15, Wal-Mart is offering a five-day period of free shipping with a selection of discounts. Amazon's much-hyped Prime Day begins July 12. Wal-Mart emphasized that its offer of free shipping with no minimum purchase is open to everyone, and it's for fiveโ€ฆ

Etsy Identifies Culprit Behind its Payment Debacle
July 8, 2016 at 11:29 am

Etsy has identified Worldpay as the culprit behind its payment debacle. Payment delays and issues started last week, causing Etsy sellers to hold orders and make judgment calls on whether to take a risk and send orders to customers before their payments were processed. EcommerceBytes reports that Worldpay has since apologized to buyers and sellersโ€ฆ

Prime Day 2016 Pits Amazon Against the Field
July 8, 2016 at 10:03 am

Amazon.com celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2015 by creating โ€œPrime Day,โ€ a shopping โ€œholidayโ€ that offered Prime members an ongoing series of deals over the 24 hours of July 15. Although much of the news that day focused on disappointed Prime Day shoppers, Amazon quickly declared victory โ€” and rightly so, from its perspective. Amazonโ€ฆ

3 Digital Cleaning Tips for E-Commerce Retailers
July 7, 2016 at 11:16 am

Summer is well underway. In recent weeks, everyone has pulled out their lawn furniture, heated up their grills and dusted off those pool floats that havenโ€™t been used since last year. As with any seasonal change, many likely find some items they no longer need and do a bit of cleaning. However, seasonal cleaning doesnโ€™tโ€ฆ

Dick's Wins Auction for Sports Authority Brand
July 5, 2016 at 1:45 pm

Dick's Sporting Goods, the largest U.S. sporting goods retailer, said last week that it was the successful bidder in the auction for the intellectual property of bankrupt competitor Sports Authority with a bid of $15 million. The intellectual property of Sports Authority includes its e-commerce website, SportsAuthority.com, a loyalty program with 28.5 million members, and aโ€ฆ