
How True&Co. Leveraged Online Data to Move Offline
September 16, 2016 at 12:08 pm

Anda Pho, head of marketing at True&Co., the lingerie retailer that uses an online fit quiz to size bras for women of all shapes and sizes, explained yesterday at NEMOAโ€™s directXchange 2016 Fall Conference how the company has revolutionized the bra-buying process. Data is Everything โ€œMaking a bra is like making a car,โ€ Pho said. Thereโ€ฆ

Unilever in Talks to Buy Jessica Alba's Honest Company
September 16, 2016 at 11:24 am

Jessica Albaโ€™s Honest Company is reportedly in talks to be acquired by Unilever. The Honest Company sells environmentally friendly and organic packaged goods, while Unilever makes Dove soaps and Axe body sprays, among other products. The deal is reportedly valued at more than $1 billion, but below the $1.7 billion valuation the Honest Company achievedโ€ฆ

What Parents Expect From Your E-Commerce Site
September 14, 2016 at 11:08 pm

If youโ€™re a parent, youโ€™re probably thinking ahead to the holiday shopping season. If youโ€™re an online retailer, this is a big season for your business. As you prepare to manage the hordes of parents who will descend on your site, here are some stats to keep in mind about todayโ€™s parents, their spending habits, and whatโ€ฆ

Influence Consumers With Subconscious Buying
September 14, 2016 at 9:24 pm

People do strange things. Nancy Harhut, chief creative officer at Wilde Agency, a digital and direct marketing agency, says this statement is very true when it comes to consumer purchasing habits. In her opening keynote yesterday at NEMOAโ€™s directXchange Fall Conference in Schaumburg, Ill., Harhut explained that science has found that 95 percent of purchasing decision making takes placeโ€ฆ

Is Black Friday Worth the Time and Effort? Yes โ€ฆ With Some Caveats
September 14, 2016 at 11:36 am

With Amazon Prime Day, the second such self-created โ€œshopping holiday,โ€ over for another year, itโ€™s a good time to turn our attention to another big sales opportunity for retailers: Black Friday. Over the years, Black Friday has gained the reputation of a major in-store and online shopping bonanza that every retailer has to participate inโ€ฆ

4 Ways Retailers Can Go Toe-to-Toe With Amazon
September 12, 2016 at 11:16 am

Todayโ€™s consumers have near-limitless options when it comes to researching and purchasing products. E-commerce giants like Amazon.com โ€” equipped with a variety of products, ratings and reviews, and competitive shipping rates matched by few โ€” have wide appeal for information-hungry consumers. However, smaller merchants shouldnโ€™t give up hope. By leveraging user-generated content (UGC), including ratingsโ€ฆ

How Room & Board is Using Customer Reviews to Drive Sales
September 8, 2016 at 10:19 am

Room & Board is a Minneapolis-based retailer offering modern, American-made home furniture and accessories. Founded in 1980, the family-owned, privately held company has 14 stores and 900 employees. About 40 percent of Room & Board's transactions occur online. In this interview with Kimberly Ruthenbeck, director of web customer experience at Room & Board, we discussโ€ฆ

Marketplaces Increasingly Popular Option for Retailers, Brands
September 7, 2016 at 1:21 pm

The growth of online marketplaces is one of the hottest trends in the retail industry. Listen in as Neel Grover, chairman of the board at Bluefly, shares why he thinks marketplaces are the next big thing for retailers. To listen to the full session, "More Than Just Amazon: Why Marketplaces Are an Increasingly Popular Option for Retailersโ€ฆ

Landsโ€™ End Starts Selling on Amazon
September 7, 2016 at 10:23 am

Just as we reported last week on retailers breaking up with Amazon.com, Landsโ€™ End flips the script. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Landsโ€™ End will make a limited number of items available on Amazon by the end of the month. The omnichannel retailer, known for outdoorsy apparel, will make items available from itsโ€ฆ