Data Security

Preparing for and Responding to a Data Breach
September 1, 2013

Unfortunately, it's not a question of if, but when your company will experience a data breach. Whether caused by a hacker, equipment failure, theft, disgruntled employee or a vendor error, most retailers will experience an incident resulting in the unauthorized disclosure of confidential customer or employee information. According to the Open Security Foundation and security consultancy Risk Based Security, last year set a record for the number of reported data breach incidents โ€” 2,644 incidents, more than double the number in 2011, which previously had been the highest amount in one year.

Why Big Data Matters
August 9, 2013

Anyone who has attended a retail industry conference in the past two years to three years has likely seen a shift in focus. Where once it was all about merchandising, which led to shopper marketing, it's now all about mobile and big data. Many retailers are struggling with both of these ideas; they know they should be taking action, but exactly what action is unclear.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Workforce Solutions for CE and Appliance Retailers
July 2, 2013

Differentiation can be difficult in the consumer electronics (CE) and appliance industries because most vendors offer similar products at similar prices. In many cases, the delivery of exceptional customer service at every step of the transaction sets the best CE and appliance retailers apart from their competitors.

Forever 21 Debuts Interactive Web Fashion Feature
June 20, 2013

Clothing retailer Forever 21 has added an interactive digital fashion experience to its website and is asking shoppers to contribute content. The platform, 21st Street, launched June 18. The brand calls it an "interactive fashion and street style shopping source." Accessible via a tab on Forever 21's website, 21st Street includes images with clothing and accessories and the tab "I want it all!" which pulls up online shopping options and allows users to select colors and sizes and add their selections to their Forever 21 shopping bags.

Wal-Mart Warns Customers of Phishing Email
May 17, 2013

Wal-Mart yesterday warned consumers of a bogus phishing email purporting to come from the retailer. The fraudulent email looks like a confirmation of a purchase made on, but is actually an attempt to gather personal information from the recipients, the retailer said in a statement. "This email is not from, and it is important that recipients do not click on any links in the email or respond in any way," the company said. "We are investigating the source of the email and working with appropriate authorities."

Etsy Inadvertently Breaches Privacy in Marketing Emails
April 29, 2013

Etsy breached some sellers' privacy with an email sent this week to buyers. The email was experimental in nature to test new features and went out to a limited number of buyers, though Etsy wouldn't reveal how many sellers were impacted. Etsy Spokesperson Sara Cohen wouldn't say whether the company would inform all sellers who were impacted.

5 Truths All Retailers Should Know About Customer Data
February 27, 2013

Retailers are blessed with extensive data about their customers and their shopping behavior. This data comes in the forms of offline and online purchase data, extensive email databases, response data, loyalty card databases, direct mail response data, social media data, and website data.  Despite this wealth of information and most retailers' extensive history and expertise in offline modeling, I'm shocked to see that many continue to struggle with merging siloed information and leveraging it across the new digital landscape.

Retailers Embrace Data Tools for Rapid-Fire Price Changes
January 25, 2013

Don't like the price you're seeing on a coffee maker or a toothbrush? Try waiting five minutes. That lesson is starting to dawn on consumers as retailers embrace technologies that allow them to make rapid-fire price changes on a hourly or even minute-by-minute basis. Consumers are accustomed to rapid price fluctuations in the online world, used by sophisticated e-commerce retailers like, but brick-and-mortar retailers are embracing technologies that crawl the web for product prices and make adjustments on the fly both online and in stores for things like consumer electronics, power tools and even consumer packaged goods.

Searsโ€™ Big Data Initiatives Shorten Project Timelines Up to 70%
January 21, 2013

Even in today's data-hungry analytics environment, collecting and keeping every tiny granule of retail data โ€” down to the level of each individual transaction and web click โ€” might seem like overkill. But Sears Holdings has discovered that data storage costs have gotten low enough, and analytical tools have grown powerful enough, that this approach to big data has shortened the time needed for analytics projects by 60 percent to 70 percent, while also improving promotion conversions, lowering inventory levels and boosting sales.

Nordstrom Rack Hostages Were Employees, Not Customers
January 14, 2013

Police were in the process Friday morning of debriefing the hostages and putting together composite drawings of the suspects. In addition, they were scouring surveillance video from inside and outside the Nordstrom Rack, surrounding businesses and the mall to determine whether any additional suspects were involved. The 14 hostages held overnight at Nordstrom Rack in Westchester were all employees of the store, LAPD officials said Friday. At least three hostages were injured, in the incident that began at 11 p.m.