Customer Service

Keeping the (Customer) Love Alive With AI
November 29, 2018 at 10:34 am

In the past few months, we’ve heard the bell toll for several large retailers that are shuttering storefronts due to competitive pressures and less-than-favorable financial performances. The combination of these forces makes it critical for retailers to focus on building customer relationships — changing the one-time transactional buyer into a long-term brand advocate. While companies…

Why Did Sears Fail? It’s Not What You Might Think
November 26, 2018 at 3:19 pm

And … *poof*, there goes another North American retail icon. How on earth could this have happened? Here’s a hint: Don’t blame, the internet or Walmart. There is, of course, never just one thing that leads to the downfall of a company. It’s almost always a progressive and insidious erosion created by poor leadership…

Your Frontline: The Key to Winning the Bricks vs. Clicks Battle
November 14, 2018 at 10:19 am

Anyone who has walked down Main Street or through a shopping mall recently has seen it. Store after store shuttered. Big-name retailers gone. Even anchor-store locations decamped. These are challenging times for brick-and-mortar retailers. According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, 50 well-known store chains have filed for bankruptcy protection in 2017, among them such iconic…

How Brands Can Thrive in an Era of Amazon
November 9, 2018 at 10:32 am

To win and thrive in an era of Amazon, retailers need to master three core areas: zero-based budgeting; customer care; and advertising.

David vs. Goliath: How SMBs Can Create a Competitive Edge With Customer Experience
October 12, 2018 at 8:58 am

It can be hard being a small business today. How does one compete with industry powerhouses that offer millions of SKUs and free two-day shipping? Amazon Prime Now, for example, has over 940,000 products available across 32 U.S. cities, and Target has 39 distribution centers in the U.S. alone. The human and capital resources needed…

Reach MORE Customers This Holiday Season
October 11, 2018 at 8:40 am

The holiday season is the busiest time of year for retailers, and shoppers are demanding more than ever in exchange for their attention, loyalty and dollars. If you want to succeed, you need to better understand not just what holiday shoppers want, but how they interact with your brand and make purchase decisions. Here are…

3 Tips for Navigating the Crossroads of Online and In-Store Performance
September 27, 2018 at 10:03 am

Smart retailers know the value of providing their customers with an integrated, seamless shopping experience no matter the channel. On average, those with strong multichannel strategies retain 89 percent of their customers. Furthermore, those customers who shop with a business both in-store and online have a 30 percent higher lifetime value compared to those who…

How Switching Service Platforms Helped LOLA Build Real Trust With its Customers
September 17, 2018 at 11:46 am

LOLA is a rapidly growing subscription and direct-to-consumer feminine care brand. Originally offering tampons and pads, LOLA now also stocks hygiene and sexual wellness products for women. Just like Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s, LOLA started by selling a single product with a strong purpose, but has since grown its offerings to the point that…