Customer Service

Retail Reshaped by Chatbots and AI Technology During COVID-19
September 1, 2020 at 12:13 pm

Thereโ€™s no doubt that recent circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have reshaped the way retailers operate and connect with their customers daily. Shelter-in-place ordinances and stay-at-home mandates have forced retail brands to rely on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and chatbot technology to manage much of the workload required for servicing their customersโ€™ needs. In fact,โ€ฆ

3 Tips for Up-Leveling Your Customer Care in the Wake of COVID-19
August 12, 2020 at 7:18 pm

While the impact of COVID-19 has put substantial stress on the retail industry, savvy brands have realized that a strong customer care strategy is a retailerโ€™s first line of defense against disruption. In the wake of the pandemic, more consumers are shopping online, and as a result the demand for timely customer care has significantlyโ€ฆ

How to Build Trust and Retain Customers in Digital Channels
July 27, 2020 at 2:20 pm

This past quarter, retailers discovered what happens when a robust omnichannel strategy is forced down to one storefront: digital. Players in every industry have accelerated their timelines and poured resources into their online experience, and are learning as they go. We see firsthand the strain our own customers are feeling as they stare down aโ€ฆ

Todayโ€™s Consumers Expect Personalization: Hereโ€™s What This Means for Your Brand
July 7, 2020 at 3:37 pm

For the past four years, the Gladly team has released its annual Customer Expectations Report to better understand todayโ€™s customers โ€” e.g., the types of experiences they want and expect from the brands they love. But as we all know, the world is a very different place today, one where we talk about social distancingโ€ฆ

Retail Call Centers: Improving Efficiency and Productivity
July 6, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Retail call centers are an important step in many customer journeys, and for online customers they may be the only human interaction with the brand. Retailers have multiple ways to operate to fulfill the customer need. Should they be in-house or outsourced? Offshore or home-based? How do you expand capacity for business peaks? Whatever routeโ€ฆ

Why Retailers Must Look to New CX Channels for Survival
July 1, 2020 at 4:35 pm

Retail sales over the past year have declined 21.6 percent, with recent months piling on additional unprecedented challenges. Not only are consumers embracing e-commerce, but how they seek out support is also changing. Even though these trends started to emerge before the global pandemic, they're now playing out on an accelerated timeline and putting retailersโ€ฆ

How to Launch a Thoughtful Chatbot Strategy
June 23, 2020 at 2:02 pm

In times such as these, when we're asked to stay at home and do our part to #flattenthecurve and help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, retail businesses around the world are experiencing changes in their usual ways of doing business. With more and more cases of coronavirus reported on a daily basis, people are reluctant toโ€ฆ

Will Online Appointments Replace Face-to-Face Shopping?
June 20, 2020 at 12:08 pm

The whole state of retail is in flux โ€” and it's anybodyโ€™s guess what the future holds for consumers, retailers and shopping, especially as the holiday season approaches. All we know is that consumers and retailers alike want to get back to normal. But what will normal be? Will consumers ever feel truly safe shoppingโ€ฆ

Creating Great Cross-Channel CX Starts With Mobile
June 18, 2020 at 8:29 pm

Creating a great customer experience is no longer a nice to have; it's now a must. Consider that according to Deloitte, customer-centric companies are 60 percent more profitable than companies that donโ€™t focus on their customers. The benefits of being customer-centric and developing great customer experiences are clear, but the road to getting there isโ€ฆ

Turn Window Shoppers Into Loyal Customers With Digital
June 8, 2020 at 5:29 pm

The digital era hasnโ€™t just transformed a businessโ€™ back end; it has revolutionized the customer journey. More and more consumers have embraced digitally native communication channels that werenโ€™t available in the aughts. From text and social messaging, to chatbots and virtual agents, customers now demand that their favorite retailers meet them across their favorite digitalโ€ฆ