Customer Service

Keep COVID Stress Out of Your Customer Communication
March 31, 2021 at 4:27 pm

TL;DR: Pandemic stress-related toxic communication can creep into your customer communication. Donโ€™t let it! Set the example, nip toxicity in the bud, protect your team from incoming, build in rest, celebrate the good stuff, and codify that positive voice in your company style guide. As we think about healthy communication at work, weโ€™re reminded ofโ€ฆ

Balancing Humanization and Digitization: 3 Key Customer Service Trends
March 29, 2021 at 7:15 pm

Of the many challenges that brands had to confront last year, the shifting behaviors and heightened expectations of consumers still remain the top issues in 2021. As such, one truth still sits above the rest for brands: the customer always comes first. Indeed, organizations were required to adapt to the status quo or risk losingโ€ฆ

Why Promotion Support Automation is the Next Leap Forward for Your CX
March 9, 2021 at 1:21 pm

2020 was a decisive and divisive year for retailers. Those that had already embraced or were quick to embrace e-commerce were able to capitalize on the accelerated shift toward digital spurred by the pandemic and leverage its infrastructure competitors. Those that were slower off the mark are either still playing catch-up or have shuttered entirely.โ€ฆ

Survey Reveals Top Customer Communication Methods for Retailers
February 25, 2021 at 6:40 pm

In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Melissa Campanelli and Kristina Stidham discuss the latest trends impacting retail customer communication methods, drawing on key insights from a recent survey conducted by NAPCO Research, sponsored by Podium. The subsequent report, "A Message for Retailers: Go Digital," details what retailers should be considering as theyโ€ฆ

Retailers Improving the E-Commerce Shopping Experience Through Resolutions-Focused Customer Service
February 15, 2021 at 8:16 pm

Many national retailers began announcing their 2020 holiday season plans and shopping promotions much earlier than in years past. The holiday shopping season was particularly different considering the COVID-19-induced drastic shift from a traditional brick-and-mortar shopping experience to an even more robust online environment. While stores ponder their physical store operations, retailers understand that 2021โ€ฆ

Email Customer Support is Failing. Hereโ€™s Why Retailers Need to Pay Attention.
February 10, 2021 at 12:21 pm

Customer service has become a competitive differentiator for retailers โ€” on par with quality and price. When a person reaches out to a company with a question or issue, the experience has an immediate and direct impact on whether they will do business with a company again โ€” now or in the future. Retailers likeโ€ฆ

A New Era of Customer Service Arrives as Consumers Fully Embrace Messaging and Conversational AI
February 9, 2021 at 2:54 pm

Like everything else last year, retail brands were forced to learn to live with a new reality. Since the beginning of the pandemic, as consumers adapted to quarantines, social distancing and masks, they also adapted how they interact with brands. More than ever before, they took to conversational artificial intelligence (AI) โ€” the technology thatโ€ฆ

Customer Experience: How Angry Customers Can Actually Help Your Business
February 4, 2021 at 3:57 pm

Fifty-four percent of consumers say theyโ€™ve had at least one bad customer service experience in the last month. Dealing with impatient, dissatisfied or angry customers is never easy, but if the contact center handles the situation well, you may be able to build a stronger relationship with the customer over the phone and create opportunitiesโ€ฆ

Communication Strategies to Delight Your Customers
January 27, 2021 at 5:24 pm

Communication drives conversion. It moves customers from browsers to buyers, delighting them through each step of the purchase journey when done correctly. In a retail operation, these conversations lead to satisfied customers, those that begin to expect a level of excellence that only you can offer. Communication, though, isnโ€™t always accessible. It takes focus andโ€ฆ

How to Capitalize on Key 2021 Customer Experience Trends
January 21, 2021 at 5:31 pm

In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Joe Keenan and Kristina Stidham discuss an article recently published by Total Retail titled, โ€œ5 CX Trends to Help You Win Customersโ€™ Hearts and Wallets in 2021,โ€ authored by Jean Shin, director of strategy and content at tyntec. The article discusses how in 2020, we learnedโ€ฆ