Customer Data

3 Ways Retailers Can Unlock New Levels of Customer Engagement in 2023
January 25, 2023 at 3:11 pm

The beginning of the year is a time of great momentum and in the ever-evolving retail industry, you must always be prepared for whatโ€™s coming down the pipeline. In the past few years, Iโ€™ve seen a significant shift in retailers using technology to create more meaningful and personalized engagement strategies to inspire consumers to takeโ€ฆ

How Retailers Can Capture the Full Potential of Retail Media Networks in 2023
January 24, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Most retailers are now highly focused on building their own retail media networks (RMNs), offering onsite and offsite inventory. And why not? Retail media networks, when done well, offer a stream of high-profit cash that can be up to 1.5 percent of a retailerโ€™s gross revenues, at margins north of 50 percent. The cookie-less futureโ€ฆ

Study: Shoppers Increasingly Seek Online Convenience Without Sacrificing Security
January 19, 2023 at 8:03 pm

In the wake of the pandemic, retailers need to create better online experiences or risk losing customers to competitors that can. However, these enhanced user experiences cannot come at the expense of lesser security. Those are some of the findings from a new study of more than 3,400 consumers worldwide about their login and accountโ€ฆ

Two-Thirds of Consumers Have Deleted an App Over Privacy Concerns. Hereโ€™s How to Avoid the Discard Pile
January 18, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Todayโ€™s marketers face the ultimate catch-22: Consumers overwhelmingly desire hyperpersonalized experiences, yet theyโ€™re concerned about sharing their data. According to Arityโ€™s research, 66 percent of consumers have deleted an app due to privacy concerns. With competition for business fierce and the data privacy movement underway, retailers and marketers must establish strong data collection practices forโ€ฆ

Why Modern Data Management in Retail is Key to Meeting Consumer Expectations
January 16, 2023 at 11:50 am

The modern consumer expects a seamless experience with a retailer in-store, online and mixed between the two should they choose to reserve online and pick up in-store or vice versa. In the crowded marketplace we see today, consumers are willing to base their shopping decisions on which retailers can provide that experience. Today, 61 percentโ€ฆ

Retail Software Teams Need to Start Using Synthetic Data
January 11, 2023 at 10:42 am

Itโ€™s a tale as old as time: You, a customer, enter a store (digital or otherwise), just looking to make a purchase and move on with your life. But you may leave with a little more than you bargained for: Your purchase of bananas, NFTs, or a limited-edition furby โ€ฆ and having shared your personalโ€ฆ

Create More Relevance for Loyal Customers With Zero-Party Data
January 9, 2023 at 2:22 pm

Loyal customers expect brands to treat them differently than the average customer. Forresterโ€™s Consumer Benchmark Survey, 2022, shows that 50 percent of U.S. online adults who belong to a loyalty program(s) say they join to get messages, offers or promotions that are more relevant to them. However, todayโ€™s marketers struggle to deliver on that expectation.โ€ฆ

What to Do With All That Holiday Shopper Data? 4 Tips for Brands
December 21, 2022 at 6:23 pm

The good news for consumer brands this holiday shopping season? Economic concerns arenโ€™t expected to slow down shoppersโ€™ appetite for deals. According to the 2022 Deloitte Holiday Retail Survey, 74 percent of consumers say theyโ€™ll spend the same on the holidays as they did last year. The bad news? Holiday customers are among the lowestโ€ฆ

How Centralizing Data Can Help Retail Apps Overcome Industry-Wide Headwinds
December 19, 2022 at 6:22 pm

Retailers are facing challenging times. A persistent pandemic, inflation, supply chain disruption, and competition from giants is forcing smaller and mobile-only retailers to get crafty to avoid slipping margins. On top of all this, mobile marketers are facing ecosystem changes around privacy that are making it harder to tailor messages to prospects and acquire newโ€ฆ