Customer Data

The Frightening Reality of Big Data Hacks
November 17, 2015 at 10:42 am

As consumers lead increasingly connected lives, more of their personal information is being transmitted through online channels than ever before. In an increasingly competitive ecosystem, brands are collecting consumer data dubiously to better inform marketing efforts and personalize campaigns. Unfortunately, this behavior often puts both brands and consumers at risk. Retail, specifically, is at suchโ€ฆ

How ULTA Beauty is Developing Loyal Customers
October 27, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Loyal customers are what every brand is after. Considering the cost to acquire new customers โ€” as well as the challenge of identifying which of the multiple touchpoints drove them to purchase โ€” many retailers are recognizing the value in spending to retain the customers they already have. From technology upgrades to improve the shoppingโ€ฆ

Using Social Analytics to Get Personalization Right
October 16, 2015 at 10:45 am

In a typical marketing department, demographic information is relied on as a key tool for developing targeted outreach strategies. A retailerโ€™s marketing team, for example, can use these breakdowns in gender, age and geography, among other areas, to determine outreach and offer strategy. This approach relies on the basic premise that people who share theseโ€ฆ

Walgreens Computer Outage Delays Prescriptions
September 25, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Getting a prescription filled at Walgreens has been taking a lot longer than usual this week due to an ongoing outage of the drugstore chain's pharmacy computer database. Pharmacists have been filling prescriptions manually since the system went down Tuesday morning, causing delays for customers at all 8,200 Walgreens drugstores across the U.S.  

Consumers Not Ready for EMV, Survey Finds
September 22, 2015 at 10:51 am

As retailers and banks prepare for the Oct. 1 EMV liability shift โ€” which moves fraud liability from issuing banks to merchants โ€” many consumers haven't yet received their new chip-enabled cards, or are simply in the dark about what EMV means, according to a new survey from ACI Worldwide. The new EMV Readiness Survey ofโ€ฆ

3 Assumptions Retailers Make About Customer Data
September 18, 2015 at 11:07 am

What assumptions are you making about your customer data and marketing technology that's limiting the effectiveness of your marketing efforts without you even knowing it? The ability to manage customer data is the lifeblood of retail customer journey marketing; however, many retailers are making assumptions about customer data that may impede their marketing efforts. Whatโ€ฆ

Partner Voices: How to Optimize Images for Millennial Shoppers
September 16, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Over the past few years, the media has painted millennials as a generation of high-maintenance, lazy and entitled people. Considering that there are more than 75 million millennials in the U.S. alone, itโ€™s a bit faulty to lump them all together. These consumers vary drastically from one another. Theyโ€™re the most ethnically diverse generation ofโ€ฆ

Lowe's Takes a Magical Millennial Bus Tour
August 19, 2015 at 2:26 pm

On a recent afternoon about three dozen members of the upper management team from Lowe's, the big-box home improvement chain, flew from their company headquarters in the suburbs of Charlotte, N.C. to Los Angeles. They climbed aboard a pleasantly air-conditioned charter bus. They werenโ€™t in L.A. for the typical tour-bus stops; no movie-star mansions orโ€ฆ

How Machine Learning Keeps Retailers Ahead of Trends
July 22, 2015 at 3:40 pm

As consumers increasingly reveal their shopping habits online, retailers can access social media, purchase history, consumer demand and market trends to better understand their customers, maximize spending and encourage repeat purchases. Retailers are considered early adopters of big data technology, integrating it into every imaginable business process to achieve a deeper understanding of consumers andโ€ฆ

5 Surprising Ways to Leverage Consumer Behavior Data
June 30, 2015 at 2:43 pm

As you probably know all too well, data is the backbone of the retail industry. On top of that, retail is also one of the most competitive industries, so chances are good that your competitors collect the same data as you. The only way to remain relevant in this cutthroat environment is to leverage theโ€ฆ