Customer Data

Is Your Retail Data Ready for Customersโ€™ Real-Time Buying Decisions?
March 6, 2020 at 12:52 pm

Todayโ€™s consumers are armed with a powerful decision-making tool when shopping for the best deals: real-time data. With a single click, they can search for daily deals and code words that offer valuable discounts. While they might find exactly what they're looking for on one merchant's site, finding something similar for a lot cheaper somewhereโ€ฆ

Challenging the Data Discussion: Why User-Based Targeting Isnโ€™t the Answer
March 5, 2020 at 12:07 pm

With 2020 in full swing, there has been a lot of talk about the shift away from user-based targeting. With CCPA and GDPR in full effect, it's no wonder marketers are re-evaluating the use of cookies and personal data to reach new customers. Third-party cookies are crumbling fast: browser-level changes and privacy regulations have spotlightedโ€ฆ

More Than PCI: What Retailers Need to Know to Protect Their Data
February 28, 2020 at 2:54 pm

Most retailers keep on hand troves of customer financials that, in the age of data-as-an-asset, are the modern equivalent of Fort Knox. The problem is that many retailers still fail to implement Fort Knox-worthy security measures, and they pay dearly for their shortcomings. The State of Cybersecurity in E-Commerce The persistence of data thieves remainsโ€ฆ

Retailers Can Use AI to Unlock โ€” and Capitalize on โ€” Their Treasure Trove of Data
February 21, 2020 at 12:11 pm

Data is the oil thatโ€™s lubricating the sales machines at huge online retailers like and is exploring user behavior for tech giants like Google and Facebook. According to Amazon Web Services (AWS), its payments data engineering team alone is responsible for data ingestion, transformation and storage of a growing dataset of more than 750โ€ฆ

6 Techniques to Take E-Commerce Personalization to the Next Level
February 14, 2020 at 10:51 am

Personalized shopping is one of the hottest e-commerce trends in recent years. The thing is, itโ€™s not a new concept. For example, David Meerman Scott, a popular marketing visionary, talked about real-time personalization back in 2010. Why is e-commerce personalization all the rage right now, then? It all makes sense. Customers are tired of sifting throughโ€ฆ

Data Helps Black Diamond Equipment Grow its Direct-to-Consumer Business
February 10, 2020 at 12:07 pm

In episode 233 of Total Retail Talks, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Jan-Willem Driessen, former vice president of global marketing and direct-to-consumer at Black Diamond Equipment, a global retailer specializing in climbing, hiking and skiing apparel and equipment. Listen in as Driessen discusses Black Diamond Equipment's growing direct-to-consumer business, its transition away from being a primarily wholesale brand, and why the brand is changing its focus to D-to-C.

The Customer Enigma: How Retailers Can Break Through
February 6, 2020 at 10:55 am

Technology has changed the way consumers shop and relate to brands. As digital channels, platforms and devices continue to evolve, consumer behaviors do too. Consumers today are digitally savvy, and many have become masters at navigating the omnichannel landscape. Accustomed to being everywhere at once, theyโ€™ve become channel agnostic, turning upside down the traditional conceptsโ€ฆ

Doing Right by the Customer: Build Trust to Deliver Unparalleled Experiences
February 4, 2020 at 12:20 pm

Consumer trust in brands has continued to decline in recent years, and much of that can be linked to the seemingly endless examples of companies mishandling personal data. No organization has been immune: financial institutions, social media networks, and technology giants have all experienced the fallout associated with improperly or unsuccessfully protecting their customersโ€™ personalโ€ฆ

Why Retailers Must Unify Their Systems in 2020
January 31, 2020 at 10:29 am

While predictions of the impending retail apocalypse are passed off by some as fear-mongering, thereโ€™s no doubt large brick-and-mortar retailers faced major challenges this past decade. 2019 ended with a new high of store closures in the U.S., which topped out at over 9,300 โ โ€” a figure that almost doubled in a single year. Theseโ€ฆ

Retail Outlook 2020: Privacy Gets Real
January 27, 2020 at 12:46 pm

As brands turn to automated intelligence to meet expectations for great customer experiences, new restrictions are being placed on the data collected to inform those experiences. On Jan. 1, California enacted the nationโ€™s strictest data privacy law, following on the heels of Vermont, which has been regulating online data brokers since January 2019. In Europe,โ€ฆ