Customer Data

Supercharge Your Customer Experiences: How to Act Faster, Work Smarter, and Drive Business Outcomes
January 31, 2022 at 10:59 am

We all know that weโ€™re living in a data-rich era. Never before have marketers had access to so much valuable customer information, but how effective are marketers at seamlessly integrating that data to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive positive business outcomes? Simon Data recently partnered with ClickZ to gain deeper insights into the roleโ€ฆ

4 Things Retailers Can Do to Strengthen Customer Relationships in 2022
January 25, 2022 at 9:45 am

As marketers prepare for the evolution of how they use consumer data in their campaigns, there's a massive opportunity to improve customer relationships using more secure and accurate identity alternatives. While there's much doom and gloom in the media about third-party cookie deprecation, letโ€™s not forget that this event was ushered in by consumers themselvesโ€ฆ

Supply Chain Impacting Labor Shortage and Sales, Other Retail Predictions
January 24, 2022 at 4:20 pm

The retail industry has seen no shortage of changes over the past year, and thatโ€™s showing no sign of slowing down as we enter 2022. With U.S. online sales reaching $8.9 billion on Black Friday this year, slightly below 2020 levels, retailers are still struggling to reach pre-pandemic levels, according to Adobe Analytics. As weโ€ฆ

5 MarTech Trends That Will Define Business Strategy in 2022
January 19, 2022 at 11:21 am

The last two years have turned our lives around by 360 degrees. The time we spent working remotely within the confines of our homes made us question work, life, family and much more. Similarly, apprehensions also emerged on the lines of businesses, as brands evolved along with consumers through a new and uncertain reality. Whatโ€ฆ

Maximize Your 2022 Marketing Efforts With Consent Managementโ€ฏ
January 18, 2022 at 11:56 am

2021 was just as unpredictable as 2020, as a host of new issues challenged retail marketers. Marketers will need to remain agile and responsive to challenges old and new while attempting to do more with less. COVID-19 irreversiblyโ€ฏchanged the way people discover and shopโ€ฏโ€” now add compounding forces of the Omicron variant, supply chain disruptions,โ€ฆ

How to Unlock the True Value of Your Data
January 17, 2022 at 6:34 pm

Everyone talks about how to make the most of their data. Data impacts everything, from customer onboarding, distribution, and omnichannel payment flows. As data volumes grow, they also expand in complexity. As the world becomes increasingly digital, itโ€™s creating a tsunami of data, which many businesses weren't prepared for, especially in the wake of theโ€ฆ

The 0.5 Data Concept: Whatโ€™s Between Zero and First, and Why it Matters
January 4, 2022 at 9:51 am

Letโ€™s talk about the positive side of digital advertising, as it deserves equal airtime. The advertising industry is on the precipice of a more transparent ecosystem. Instead of creepy targeted marketing, consumers expect honest, personalized tactics, which will ultimately drive engagement and revenue. Hereโ€™s the thing Iโ€™ve noticed: many consumers are happy with the inspirationโ€ฆ

Meet Retail Customersโ€™ Expectations for Excellence With a Single Voice and a Single Point of Control
December 21, 2021 at 12:51 pm

New research from The Harris Poll, in a survey commissioned by Redpoint Global, showed a pronounced gap between how marketers and consumers rate the ability of brands to deliver an โ€œexcellentโ€ customer experience (CX). While a majority of marketers (51 percent) rated their ability as excellent, just 26 percent of consumers agreed. Consumers rated retailers behindโ€ฆ

Pivoting to Zero- and First-Party Data Will Be Key to Marketers' Success in 2022
December 16, 2021 at 7:20 pm

In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Marie Albiges and Kristina Stidham discuss an article recently published by Total Retail titled, โ€œHow Retailers Can Use Zero- and First-Party Data to Win This Holiday Season,โ€ authored by Julio Lopez, director of client strategy and retail practice lead at Movable Ink. First-party data is critical forโ€ฆ