Retail Success Post-COVID Will Rely on Understanding New Customer Mindsets
December 16, 2020 at 5:36 pm

Almost nine months after COVID-19 started making its mark on the United States, lockdown restrictions and widespread working-from-home offices have caused many American consumers to rethink their shopping habits. While we still don’t know exactly when the pandemic will be declared over, what is clear is that the post-pandemic retail world will be different to…

5 Digital Activations to Drive Holiday E-Commerce Efforts
November 30, 2020 at 9:09 am

Consumer shopping behavior has changed, and the holidays will look different this year. Since in-store shopping has declined, brands are looking for ways to drive their e-commerce business and move the needle before the end of the year. However, the online space has become cluttered and confusing. Stand out by running chance-to-win promotions that are designed to motivate…

Home for the Holidays: Preparing for the Shopping Season and the Year Beyond
October 26, 2020 at 12:33 pm

Paleontologists and evolutionary biologists often speak of “punctuated equilibrium” — a time of rapid evolutionary change following a long span of stasis. Such periods occur following a cataclysmic episode — e.g., the massive asteroid strike that wiped out the dinosaurs. COVID-19 is a punctuated equilibrium event for retail. It changed everything, and many of these…

Checking in on the Commerce Consumer: You OK?
October 19, 2020 at 11:14 am

For commerce practitioners, be it on the manufacturer, platform or agency side, 2020 has been a mixed bag. For many, it’s come with great gains — think food brands scooping up shoppers who could no longer eat out or wellness brands working the frontlines at home through flu and cold medication. That spike was definitely…

3 Essential Strategies to Address in 2021 Retail Planning
October 14, 2020 at 2:55 pm

While COVID has been an “unprecedented disruption” for business and consumers, it’s clearly been an accelerant for existing trends. For retailers, this includes “Retail Darwinism.” Retailers filing for bankruptcy is nothing new, but regardless of a vaccine or another “unprecedented” event, failure to understand the context that made COVID exacerbate retail’s challenges will only leave…

The Untapped Opportunity That COVID-19 Created for Store Associates
September 14, 2020 at 12:12 pm

The retail landscape looks completely different today compared to the beginning of 2020. COVID-19 has caused stores to shut down and employees to be furloughed. Retailers were already challenged before the pandemic began, and now many consumers are wary of returning to stores. Furthermore, social distancing regulations limit the number of people allowed in a…

How Retailers Can Pivot Operations to Meet Consumers' Need for Trust
September 10, 2020 at 8:18 pm

In this week’s Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Ashley Chiaradio and Kristina Stidham discuss an article recently published on Total Retail, “The Future of Retail: Beyond the Pandemic,” authored by Jeff Orschell, retail and global account leader at EY Americas. The article discusses how retailers must adjust to the new normal to best serve the…

The Future of Retail: Beyond the Pandemic
September 8, 2020 at 2:20 pm

As states across the U.S. are relaxing stay-at-home orders, and with restrictions on everyday activities easing, Americans seem to be finally settling into a new routine. The burning question now is: How must retailers adjust to the new normal to best serve the post-pandemic consumer? According to the most recent EY Future Consumer Index, a…