
Free Whitepaper: comScore's Online Shopping Customer Experience Study
June 4, 2012

What matters most to online shoppers? Hint: It has less to do with specific products and everything to do with communication, and that includes shipping and returns. You'll find key insights into what makes online shoppers click, consumersโ€™ online shopping preferences, what shipping and post-purchase services enhance the customer experience most, and more with this fact-filled whitepaper. Check it out here!

Take Control of the Online Experience to Increase Conversions
May 22, 2012

Giving potential customers the information they actually want is one of the most effective ways to grab their attention in today's fragmented media landscape. With the right tools in place, once you have a visitor's interest, it becomes easier to guide individual website experiences, with conversion as the ultimate goal.

What you will learn:

- The importance of making a great first impression through relevant website content
- How PODS employed a relevancy strategy to double its percentage of business that is booked online
- How to use customer segmentation strategies to drive more relevant content
- How triggered marketing campaigns can help improve the online retail experience

9 Ways to Squeeze More ROI Out of Your Shopping Cart
May 21, 2012

Marketers have developed quite a bag of promotion and coupon tricks to get consumers to spend more at the checkout counter or when mailing in the order form. The good news for online retailers is that modern e-commerce software lets them easily adapt these proven promotional techniques to an online environment to lift average order sizes, revenues and profits.

You Will Learn About:

- Free Shipping
- Premiums
- Discounts
- Coupons
- and more!

Top 10 Steps to a Successful Content Marketing Strategy
May 21, 2012

Digital Content is everywhere - your website, blogs, social media outposts, and every mobile device imaginable. And with customers and prospects radically adjusting to this wealth of information, companies are investing in developing digital content like never before. Despite their efforts, however, these same companies often miss valuable opportunities because they lack a well-rounded content marketing strategy.

This new whitepaper from Bridgeline Digital identifies the top 10 steps to building a content marketing strategy that you can execute within your company in an effective and timely manner.

What you will learn:

- What is content marketing management
- Why you should treat content like a critical business asset
- How to understand the content needs of your audience
- Why maintaining an editorial calendar is so important
- Why you need to give your content a "voice"
- Why content management and web analytics tools can best help you deliver relevant content

Free Whitepaper: The 3 T's of Modern Marketing: Team, Technology, Tools
May 17, 2012

A new digital marketing landscape is beckoning; how can you be sure you're prepared? With the simultaneous explosions of mobile, social networking, Wi-Fi and constant connectivity, we're creating a world that constantly offers more, with more selection, more options and more more than ever before.

More than 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared weekly on Facebook alone โ€” certainly the fastest growing of the social platforms, but definitely not the only one. It's simply not enough to call this digital landscape "modern marketing" anymore.

Key points you'll take away from this free whitepaper include the following:

  • how to build the best team, insource vs. outsource;
  • what are the right tools for your marketing strategy โ€” content management, e-marketing, web analytics and e-commerce;
  • how to choose the most effective technology for your company goals โ€” SaaS vs. perpetual, integrated vs. multiplatform; and
  • how to tie all three together to increase traffic, visitor engagement and conversions.

Free Whitepaper: List Marketing or List Madness: Exorcise the Demon of Bad Data
May 14, 2012

Uncover the ins and outs of selecting the right list provider. Check out this free whitepaper, which covers the following: tips to identify audiences that respond; pros and cons of house, purchased and rented mailing lists; important details about list owners, managers and brokers; and how to sort through the clutter to get the best lists possible. Download this free whitepaper to find the right list partner for you.

Lesbian Couple in J.C. Penney's Mother's Day Catalog Creates Controversy
May 4, 2012

The conservative group One Million Moms is angry at J.C. Penney again. The organization has launched another attack on the retail giant, this time for featuring a same-sex couple in its new Mother's Day catalog. Previously, the group called for the removal of Ellen DeGeneres as the chain's spokesperson. One Million Moms has released a statement on its website urging members to take action against the brand's store managers so that complaints will be passed on to the head office. 

Ikea Squeezes 2,800 Products Inside Single Web Banner Ad
April 24, 2012

Here's a great little digital stunt by Ikea. To emphasize the point that its furniture and other products help you to save space, the Swedish retailer has squeezed an entire storeโ€”some 2,800 productsโ€”inside a 300-by-250 pixel banner ad.

Video: Urban Outfitters Criticized for Same-Sex Kiss in Catalog
April 18, 2012

After unsuccessfully campaigning to get Ellen DeGeneres fired from her gig as J.C. Penney spokesperson, the conservative group One Million Moms is now railing against the retail chain Urban Outfitters for its catalog photo of two women kissing. In a web posting, the group advised parents to call or email Urban Outfitters with complaints about the photo.