Contact Centers

Balancing Your Budget and Investment: When is the Right Time to Outsource?
November 13, 2007

Many multichannel merchants focus on how they can lower operating costs when they consider outsourcing certain tasks. But when you outsource operations, you also outsource the investment. Sounds obvious, but maybe the magnitude isnโ€™t all that clear until youโ€™re faced with replacing an order-management system, moving into a new fulfillment space or upgrading your Web site. When outsourcing your investment, you donโ€™t have to invest in those upgrades as your business grows and changes. Letโ€™s look at some examples that show the size of these investments. * Order-management systems. Software as a service (SaaS) can free up a potential investment of $25,000 for an

Telephone Upselling: Be Realistic and Not Pushy, Kislik Advises
November 6, 2007

As long as itโ€™s not forced or aggressive, telephone upselling still has a rightful place in catalog call centers, pointed out Liz Kislik, president of Liz Kislik & Assoc., during a presentation she gave at last weekโ€™s Cyber City Teleservices Forum and Userโ€™s Conference in New York City. Kislik outlined several pointers and reminders about upselling; below are the five most notable ones followed by five useful questions catalogers should ask themselves. 1. Donโ€™t be pushy or โ€œslick.โ€ โ€œCustomers hate anything that seems like aggression, pushing or manipulation,โ€ Kislik said. โ€œThe use of force is bad news and just doesnโ€™t pay off in the

Thereโ€™s Always a Way to Improve Catalog Customer Service: My Top Five Tips for 2007
November 2, 2007

Continuing my discussion from the previous Corner View on companiesโ€™ treatment of customer service and CSR empowerment, this week I bring you my Top five catalog customer service tips, based on my observations throughout this past year. Some of these are more topical with the times; others are age-old issues that must be addressed. Itโ€™s easy for someone in my position to demand catalogers do more of this and that in customer service. I realize that some โ€” if not many โ€” of catalogersโ€™ limitations in customer service are budget-driven. So, I promise not to make any bold (and expensive) recommendations here. But considering

The 50 Best Tips
November 1, 2007

Say what you will about this wonderful trade we call the catalog/multichannel business, but whichever way you spin it, you canโ€™t go very far if youโ€™re unprofitable. Thatโ€™s why above all else โ€” the marketing, the merchandising, the creative, the e-commerce, etc. โ€” weโ€™re most interested in helping our readers make more money. So we bring you our annual binge of tactics and tips extracted from all of this yearโ€™s issues of Catalog Success, our weekly e-newsletter Idea Factory and our biweekly idea exchange e-newsletter, The Corner View. Our editorial staff went through every article weโ€™ve produced this year to give you a nice,

How United Airlinesโ€™ Customer Service System Ruined My DMA07 Conference (and What Catalogers Can Learn from My Experience)
October 19, 2007

As the editor of a publication that covers the catalog/multichannel business, I donโ€™t really have any business devoting a column like this to an airline. But having just endured one of the worst nightmares of my life, I believe catalogers who rely on offshore, third-party customer service reps might care to take note. My saga started on Sunday, Oct. 14, shortly after I arrived at Oโ€™Hare Airport in Chicago for the DMA07 conference. As I waited at the baggage claim carousel for my garment bag containing three suits and assorted other precious items (to me), for some reason I thought to look at that

Intuition IS a Metric
October 1, 2007

Financial and operations metrics are what most businesses use in day-to-day management. This is, in part, because theyโ€™re the easiest to obtain. But they only measure part of your businessโ€™s performance. They key to long-term success is the effective delivery of goods and services to customers in a manner that engenders repeated purchases and recommendations. And your call center plays a key role in that process. Some operations metrics, such as abandonment rates and average time to answer, relate to building customer relationships. Other factors affecting this, however, are not as easy to measure. Surveys are good tools, but donโ€™t underestimate the

Technologyโ€™s Back-end Effect
October 1, 2007

The rapid development of sophisticated technologies has been tantalizing. So much so that itโ€™s been suggested companies can improve efficiency by replacing expensive, variable-cost human labor with incredibly efficient hardware and software, both fixed costs. Such promise has led to change in the call-center business, beginning with call-routing menus and leading to sophisticated, interactive voice recognition systems. Despite countless horror stories of customers lost in โ€œpromptland,โ€ most of this technology has been developed with the best intentions. Yet numerous studies have shown this promise often has remained out of reach. A recent Aspect Contact Center Satisfaction Index survey found that 55 percent of customers

Fold it Up?
October 1, 2007

If youโ€™re like most catalogers, youโ€™ve either discussed giving up the use of a bind-in order form with envelope or you have already eliminated it. Thereโ€™s a definite trend to eliminate the bind-in order form/envelope typically found in the center of catalogs. Is that really the right thing to do? This month, Iโ€™ll offer the pros and cons of using a bind-in order form/envelope, provide you with actual test results and give you the criteria to use to make the right decision for all the right reasons. Facts Donโ€™t Lie I first explored this topic in a Catalog Success column back in

On the Web, Show Prospects Youโ€™re a Real Company; Not Simply a Fly-by-Night
September 7, 2007

These days, if you look hard enough, you can find some catalogers who can offer a nice bargain. But as we all know, by in large, catalogers have a tough time competing with retailers on price. Otherwise, itโ€™s the product and service, stupid! Before you even consider offering top quality service, however, you better put your customers and prospects at ease, particularly when it comes to your Web site. Assure them that theyโ€™re dealing with a reputable company they can trust. Historically, the direct marketing business โ€” later, to be joined by the e-commerce business โ€” has always been plagued by fly-by-nights, leaving consumers

Are You Giving Your Inbound Sales Reps Enough Respect?
July 17, 2007

To your customers, your inbound reresentatives are your company. To your best customers your inbound reps are their friends! I learned this first hand many years ago when one of my inbound reps got invited to the wedding of one of our customers; someone who lived in another city and had never before met the rep in person. In fact, I was so shocked and impressed by the strength of their relationship that I paid for our rep to attend the wedding.
The point is, in any direct marketing business, โ€œpeople buy from peopleโ€ and your inbound reps are pure gold. In far too