
Best Practices for B-to-B Digital Catalogs
April 1, 2011

Q: "I'm thinking about creating an online version of my print B-to-B catalog. Any best practices here? Also, what are typical response rates for online B-to-B catalogs? โ€” Steve Cates, director of e-commerce, Galls

Tactics to Help B-to-B Sales Reps Shine
February 17, 2011

Undoubtedly, the end of the recession plus the beginning of the new year creates times of change. Many fear change due to the fear of the unknown and an alteration from their comfort zone. But change really should be embraced.

Tips for Better B-to-B Blogging
February 1, 2011

Your company has WordPress up and running. You've just posted your mandatory this-is-our-new-blog introduction. Now what? The web is littered with abandoned blogs โ€” i.e., stale forums with year-old musings.

Free Whitepaper: Multi-Store Strategy for Online Retailers
January 25, 2011

Using a multi-store e-commerce strategy can significantly increase customer acquisition, loyalty and conversion rates. Leading online retailers are currently benefiting from an effective multi-store ecommerce strategy, now is the time to learn how.

50 Best Tips of 2010
November 1, 2010

We're excited to offer you Retail Online Integration's 50 best tips of 2010. Our editorial staff reviewed every word published in our print publication, e-newsletter (The ROI Report) and website over the past year. From there, we've extracted the best money-making and cost-saving pointers. Enjoy.

Mobile Proves Challenging for B-to-B Marketers
September 1, 2010

Aside from texting within conferences and the use of apps as repeat business tools, what has mobile to show for its role in B-to-B marketing? It's time to acknowledge the apparent lack of publicized success stories or frank discussion over the challenges of mobile B-to-B marketing.

Flush With Green
September 1, 2010

It's been an eventful couple of years for cross-channel specialty coffee retailer Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR). From acquisitions (three in the last 18 months) to the launch of a B-to-B wholesale website, GMCR has been busy growing its 29-year-old brand.

Do You Feel Stupid That You Donโ€™t Tweet?
September 1, 2010

if you're not tweeting, blogging or streaming, don't feel stupid. You probably just have bottom-line accountability and don't want to waste money. Come to think of it, you're actually sounding pretty smart.โ€จ But, you're probably receiving pressure to jump on the social media bandwagon. It's just that you're justifiably concerned that it may not yield measureable benefits. Like all direct marketing, approaching social media efforts from a strategic perspective will improve โ€จyour chances.

No Frills Selling Succeeds for B-to-B Online Retailers, Report Finds
June 30, 2010

Greater emphasis is clearly placed on value and multiple-unit purchases rather than on adding โ€œfrillsโ€ via merchandising tactics beyond clearance areas and rebates. An interesting aside is that unlike B-to-C customers who have come to expect plentiful free shipping offers, the lack of such promotions does not seem to negatively impact the B-to-B customerโ€™s decision to make a purchase.