Retail industry forecasts that include external economic factors (i.e., leading indicators) are more accurate in signaling future growth, contraction and major shifts in consumer momentum than traditional forecasts that only take historical performance into account. By monitoring these factors and noting changes, retail executives will have better insight with which to make planning decisions. While…
Learn the benefits of selling on multiple marketplaces, the value each marketplace brings to the table and much more.
Having the right customer analytics strategy is essential to retailers achieving their goal — running a profitable business.
Technology allows retailers to collect data — and lots of it. Brands like Warby Parker and Uber have turned industries on their heads by collecting and using data to make better, smarter decisions. “Best practices go out the window when you prove, with data, that they aren't the right practices for you,” explains Avery Cavanah,…
Having digital intelligence and acting upon is only part of the equation. Equally important is measuring the impact of actions taken.
Danny Sullivan, founding editor of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, recently tweeted a picture of an old Web Trends CD. Web Trends is the precursor to Google Analytics, and Danny marveled at the old software and its outdated physical disc delivery method. Danny’s nostalgia serves as a good reminder of how far we’ve come in digital marketing in terms of the scope and breadth of data now available to the modern marketer. From web to social to search and beyond, the data and its uses are limited only by the imagination.
A brand’s ability to optimize customer experiences based on data is a true differentiator in today’s competitive retail landscape.
The pace of business is accelerating. In 1860, the first westbound pony express trip left St. Joseph, Missouri for San Francisco and arrived 10 days later. Quite a feat, but this morning my email inbox filled faster than I could open messages. Or, even if the pace of business remains relatively steady, certainly the pace…
Every e-tailer fears its website going down, however, a website that’s been reduced to a snail’s pace because of a high volume of traffic can almost be more damaging. Today’s always-on consumers expect lightning-fast connections and load times, as if everyone can deliver the same user experience as Netflix. In fact, a study from Kissmetrics…
Join us for this interactive webinar to learn the steps necessary to become a data-driven organization.