
Track Online to Offline Conversions With Local Search Efforts
November 29, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Can retailers link a single purchase to the local search that it came from? The short answer is, โ€œNot yet, but weโ€™re working on it.โ€ The local search industry is working to tie searches to sales, so it wonโ€™t be long before youโ€™ll be able to connect a consumer to a specific purchase, originating fromโ€ฆ

Use Data to Make Last-Minute Tweaks to E-Commerce Holiday Strategy
November 16, 2016 at 11:11 am

Retailers have long been preparing for the 2016 holiday season, which is now upon us. E-commerce and brick-and-mortar store strategies have been implemented, and now data is being collected on shoppers. At this point in the year, itโ€™s time to focus on monitoring and analyzing performance across digital channels. โ€œRetailers must understand what customers areโ€ฆ

Retail CMOs Feel the Heat, Look to Dataย 
November 15, 2016 at 8:00 am

The insights, control, decision making and results made possible by data analysis are truly impressive. Think of where a business would be if employees just performed duties without recording sales, payments or production activities, and couldn't monitor the analysis of these variables in income statements and reports. Good data, if accurate, is gold. Unfortunately, many marketingโ€ฆ

Digital Technologies and Implications for Retailers
November 8, 2016 at 12:47 pm

Whether itโ€™s fraud prevention or facial recognition, retailers have never before faced such a proliferation of technology. Today, retailers must be experts around geo-location, mobile apps, mobile wallets, authentication and a slew of other technology-related tools, not to mention have strategies in place to utilize them correctly. To sort out all of the technology optionsโ€ฆ

Increase Margins With Predictive Localized Analytics
October 28, 2016 at 12:43 pm

As I go through the discovery process with prospective SPI customers, there's a moment in almost every engagement when one of the planners or allocators shows their current multitab, multidimension, multipivot table, holographic (OK, I exaggerated on the last point) homegrown Excel spreadsheet. It always impresses. I'm genuinely in awe of the complex usage ofโ€ฆ

Making Big Data Actionable for Multichannel Retailers
October 6, 2016 at 9:47 am

Go to any retail marketing conference and youโ€™ll probably hear some variation of the following two statements: "We donโ€™t have enough data to make good marketing decisions." "Weโ€™re drowning in a sea of too much data and donโ€™t have a way to make it actionable." Every retailer recognizes that profitable customer acquisition, retention and activation require data-driven methodologies. Yet, a recentโ€ฆ