Zach Morrison

Zach Morrison

Zach Morrison, CEO of Elite SEM, has more than 12 years of digital marketing experience with core expertise spanning paid search, SEO, display and social advertising, shopping, and conversion rate optimization. At Elite SEM, Zach is responsible for overseeing the entire agency from strategy and execution to day-to-day operations and oversight of all divisions, while playing a key role in business development and client advocacy. Zach regularly takes on a consultant-like role with clients, helping to sharpen their overall strategy and planning, beyond digital marketing initiatives. In addition to his work at Elite SEM, Zach provides thought leadership to many leading publications such as Forbes, Mashable, MediaPost, American Express Open Forum, PPC Hero, and SEMPRO. Zach has also been an adjunct instructor at NYU and a featured speaker at the Fashion Institute of Technology, the Grovo Expert Series, Search Engine Strategies conferences, eTail, and the Online Marketing Institute. He has served as a member of Google Remarketing & Display Council, Google Mobile Champion Team, and Kenshoo Agency Council.

4 Ways Big Retailers Can Be as Personal as DTC Brands

After a lot of bad decisions, poor partnerships and failed opportunities, some of the biggest brands we grew up with are no longer standing. For my kids, the toy store is now Target or Rite Aid, not just Toys“R”Us. Yet FAO Schwarz, which was founded in 1862, is still a synonym for toy store for children…