Tom Roberts

Tom Roberts

My engineering background instills a methodical and systematic approach to my testing and problem-solving activities, while passion for customer service and branding guide my interactions.

My career is diverse, starting with seven years as an engineer in the research centers of two Fortune 500 companies. Self-taught computer skills led me to a consulting role as an application developer, then to the role of IT director for a leading residential real estate developer. Customer service skills led to responsibilities over the warranty department. These skills and my interest in branding led me to guiding the company’s marketing activities, with emphasis on web and digital marketing efforts. Most recently, I have moved back to my core technical skill set to oversee technology and business processes for an emerging energy service provider.

How AI is Impacting Electricity Demand and Energy Costs for Retailers

While artificial intelligence isn’t new, it's certainly newsworthy. That’s largely thanks to almost daily headlines calling attention to just how much energy AI demands. Earlier this year, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its forecast for global energy use through 2026, including, for the first time, projections for power consumption related to AI, data centers…