Thomas Schutz

Thomas Schutz
Retailers Lack Needed Insight to Thrive in the Digital Economy

Digital transformation is happening across retail organizations. A large percentage of consumer interactions occur through digital channels, which means retailers have to be more vigilant about the customer experience. But how do you drive a personal touch through digital channels? The answer is with data. Through data and insights, retailers can not only optimize efficiency,…

Confessions of a CDO: Not All Retail CDOs Are Set Up for Success

Retailers are going through major transformation to remain competitive and drive loyalty within their customer base. Digital business has caused many to struggle with customer experience, especially when it comes to providing that personal touch many retailers have developed over the years. However, with more data resources available than ever before, retailers are finding that…

Do Retailers Trust the Data That Drives Them?

Retailers today are driven by data. It affects everything, from the way campaigns are personalized to inventory selection and website navigation, and more. It almost seems like the top retailers don’t breathe without checking the data first. But what if all of that data wasn't trusted? What if retailers didn’t have the processes in place…

Retailers Facing Email Deliverability Challenges

Retailers send a lot of email. During last year’s holiday season, retailers sent around 10 different email campaigns a week, according to Experian Marketing Services. That's a lot of email! In addition, many retailers have strategic initiatives around sending email as part of an overall enhanced customer experience. There's a desire to engage customers for…

What's Your Siloed View of Data Management Costing?

Data is changing the way all of us do business. Retailers have a desire to use data in order to enhance the customer experience and, ultimately, make their companies more profitable. Retailers today are just beginning to scratch the surface of how they can use data. They're optimizing their websites, improving product distribution and call-center…

Retailers Lack of Data Strategy Hindering Marketing Initiatives

Today's retail initiatives all seem to revolve around data. When we think about marketing automation, digital retailing and loyalty programs, they all have data at their core. Companies are looking to better understand their consumers so they can drive purchases and increase lifetime value.

Poor Data Quality Creating Challenges for Email Message Delivery

Email is still a top communication channel for retailers looking to stay in touch with customers and prospects. In fact, 98 percent of retailers collect email addresses through a variety of channels, with the most popular being their websites and point-of-sale locations. Retailers use these email addresses to send a high volume of messages to consumers for operational and marketing purposes in an effort to drive additional revenue. However, many retailers aren't capturing accurate emails or managing their email database effectively.

Accurate Data Key to Better Understanding of Your Customers

Data has become mainstream, with multiple departments using terms like business intelligence or big data. Many retailers are realizing benefits to leveraging information effectively, which could be the reason behind this shift in analytical responsibilities. Harnessing intelligence improves staff efficiency and consumer interaction, allowing retailers to provide better offers and enhance the customer experience. 

E-Commerce Growth Calls for Increased Efficiency in Contact Data

Retail e-commerce sales continued to skyrocket in 2011. While seemingly great news for retailers, it does create additional inefficiencies in a fulfillment system and drive up operational costs. To prevent those costs from cutting into revenue, retailers need to make sure they're running as efficiently as possible. One way to improve fulfillment efficiency is through accurate contact data.

A Strategy for Acquiring Accurate Internal Data

Retailers have always relied on business intelligence to strengthen marketing efforts. This intelligence can be anything from age and gender to geographical location and income level. All of this data helps retailers identify their target audience and produce marketing materials that are relevant to prospects and customers.