Steve Maul

Steve Maul

Steve Maul is the Chief Revenue Officer for LocatorX. LocatorX technology enables brands and consumers to access an item’s current location and audit trail from its origin, protecting against theft, counterfeiting, and product diversion while increasing consumer engagement with manufacturers.

The State of GDPR and Data Privacy 

Over the past couple of years, data privacy has been a focal point among executives and government leaders. In the wake of major scandals involving the likes of Facebook, officials have enacted measures like GDPR and CCPA in an effort to curb the mishandling of data — and give peace of mind to customers about their personal information.…

Putting Counterfeiters Out of Business, Part 2

Counterfeiting and pirating of commercial goods is a massive global challenge. As businesses face the threat of counterfeit items, a growing crop of solutions aim to help organizations protect the authenticity and legitimacy of their products. By combining innovations like tracking technology with a proactive approach to piracy, you can stay ahead of potential counterfeiters,…

Putting Counterfeiters Out of Business, Part 1

Counterfeiters aren’t just bad news for your business; they can also be downright dangerous for your customers’ well-being and safety. When it comes to the counterfeiting and pirating of commercial goods, the economic impact, legal implications, and health and safety risks are growing on a global scale. For example, has drawn continued criticism for…