Shelley Schmidtlin

Shelley Schmidtlin

Shelley Schmidtlin is the Director of Enterprise Marketing at CleverTap.

How Retail Marketers Can Ease Holiday Shopping for Consumers

We’re almost two years into the pandemic, and the global supply chain is still a mess. Nike is warning of shipping delays until next year; Costco has started to limit purchases again; Ikea, Walmart, and Home Depot are buying their own containers and chartering vessels to combat shipping bottlenecks. Everywhere they look, consumers are being inundated with headlines warning of…

The 5 Commandments of an E-Commerce Return Policy

E-commerce is hot. In fact, U.S. consumers spent a total of $861 billion online in 2020 alone, which was a 44 percent increase from the year prior. However, this also meant that returns from those e-commerce purchases rose 70 percent year-over-year (YoY) in 2020. Which begs the question: How different is the e-commerce return rate…