Shawn Hall

Shawn Hall

Prior to working with Pindrop, Shawn Hall was the Director of Global Fraud Operations at E*TRADE Clearing for 10 years and has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of financial services and retail operations, with the past 17 years dedicated to authentication, fraud and risk detection, prevention and mitigation at E*TRADE and Pindrop. Hall has extensive experience related to the development, implementation and modeling of effective online, call center and transactional fraud applications and solutions. He is an active participant in the NCFTA, ACFE and RSA forums.

A Growing Threat: Return Fraud Continues to Significantly Expand YoY

In mid-January, I had the pleasure of attending the NRF “Big Show” Conference in New York City. As always, it was great to meet new people, reconnect with prior colleagues, and finally meet some people in person — we have been on video calls way too often in the past three years! As expected, retailers…