Shashin Shah

Shashin Shah

Shashin Shah is CEO of Pimcore Global Services – A Happiest Minds Company. Pimcore is an open-source platform for product information management (PIM/MDM), digital asset management (DAM), content management system (CMS), and eCommerce. In his over 20 years of experience, both globally and in the US, he has managed large enterprise clients through strategizing, operating, consulting, and carrying out implementations worth USD 100M+ via global delivery models across several industries.

COVID-19’s Effect on Apparel E-Commerce and Consumer Purchasing Behavior

As early as April 2020, Forrester had predicted global retail sales to record a $2.1 trillion loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We've seen the retail industry go through a fundamental shift, with an average decline of 9.6 percent globally in 2020. With supply chains throttled and consumers asked to stay indoors, the world witnessed a sharp…

5 Ways Data-Driven Intelligence Can Transform Your Retail Strategy

A crisis forces a change like no other. If retail enterprise debates centered around IT budget in pre-pandemic times, now it’s unequivocally for swift digitalization from customer point of sales (POS) to supply chain. The retail sector has learned some hard lessons from today’s uncertain business climate. However, some enterprises are ahead in their game…

Why Product Content Excellence is a Priority Across Industries in This Digital Era

The digital era has left a distinct footprint on all walks of life. From the way we order food to the mode of payments to connecting with peers and even working remotely, everything has a digital quotient. All the different impacts that the digital era has on a customer mind-set have one thing in common:…