Sarah Jarvis

Sarah Jarvis

Sarah Jarvis, Communications and Propositions Director, Eagle Eye  
With over 15 years of experience as a retail marketing leader in the loyalty industry, Sarah has worked with some of the world’s largest retailers and FMCG brands to help them drive profitable growth by prioritizing the customer in their decision-making processes. Her expertise spans loyalty program design, CRM, personalization, data analytics and commercialization, and the technical implementation of initiatives that bring retailers and brands closer to their customers.  In addition to co-authoring the 2nd edition of Omnichannel Retail: How to Build Winning Stores in a Digital World, Sarah is a Forbes Communications Council member and the Communications and Propositions Director for Eagle Eye, the SaaS technology company enabling retail, travel, and hospitality brands to earn the loyalty of their end customers by powering their real-time, omnichannel and personalized consumer marketing activities.  

Growing Value and Loyalty — Not Just Revenue —Through Subscriptions 

Last month, Target made headlines when it launched its Target Circle 360 membership program, a paid extension of its existing Target Circle Rewards program. While media coverage notes that the recurring revenue generated by a subscription program could help mitigate Target’s recent trend of declining sales, it’s also a real-time case study for how retail…