Rob McGovern

Rob McGovern

Rob McGovern is CEO of PreciseTarget, a data company that profiles the Retail Buying Taste of every US consumer.

Will the 2020 Holiday Season Be Boom or Bust for American Retailers?

We’re living in unprecedented times. Consumer behaviors and shopping habits are changing dramatically, leading us to a “new normal” in the soft goods sector. The decisions being made by the major brands are make-it-or-break it, measured by whether they can survive to the other side of the pandemic. Key to navigating these coming months of…

The New New Normal

Sigh, the old days when your only problem was the retail apocalypse. The coronavirus will be far more challenging to retailers, at exponentially faster speed. If you’re like me, you’re probably sick of hearing about infection rates and mortality. Let’s focus on what comes next, and what I would do if I were in your…

The Next Big Thing: Programmatic Retail

The advertising industry is undergoing rapid change, and buckle your seatbelts, retail is next. The new era of advertising is called “programmatic,” which simply means the work done by yesterday’s ad agencies and media buying firms is now done by computers. We’re entering the programmatic era of retail, and the survivors will be masters of…