R.J. Talyor

R.J. Talyor

R. J. Talyor is founder and CEO of Pattern89, an artificial intelligence-based software company that optimizes paid social media advertising campaigns. Previously, R.J. was the driver behind ExactTarget’s mobile strategy, including the launch of SMS marketing in 2002 and spearheading mobile marketing during the launch of the iPhone. His leadership was also instrumental when Salesforce acquired ExactTarget for $2.5 billion in 2013, where he became the vice president of mobile products. 

What Marketers Can Expect in Q4 2020

If you had to overhaul your 2020 marketing plan back in March, you’re not alone. If you’ve been holding on to your holiday marketing plans for Q4 with the hope that things would be back to “normal” by now, it’s time to let that go, too. Nothing in 2020 has happened as we planned. Retail…

Top Performing Ad Elements: How Brands Can Boost Creative in 2020

What if you didn’t have to guess the winning lottery numbers? What if you didn’t have to guess which horse wins the race? What if you didn’t have to guess if your advertisement would be successful? It’s 2020, and there’s no need to guess anymore. Well, at least in advertising. We measured more than 150…

How to Implement Ethical AI in Retail Marketing

A recent report predicts that spending on artificial intelligence (AI) in retail will reach $7.3 billion by 2022, with 30 percent of it being allocated toward marketing automation. AI marketing has been disruptive in the retail industry by providing countless benefits to retailers of all sizes, from Fortune 500 companies to small e-commerce shops. These…

When it Comes to Paid Social, Give Emojis a Chance

When social ads are done well, they can be highly effective in driving high return on investment for retailers. Those that are most impactful often have video or images, a strong call to action, neutral sentiment and are delivered for the right amount of time. However, there’s another element that successful social ads have that…

Why the Human Touch is Key to Richer Shopper Experiences

The world of social media advertising is going through a seismic shift. Not only are brick-and-mortar businesses fighting for survival, many e-commerce brands are struggling to find and maintain their target social media audiences. In a world that includes thousands of competitors, a wide range of social channels and millions of demanding buyers, retailers must…

Why Retailers Need to Know the Difference Between a Test and Experimentation

A test isn't an experiment. While these two words are used interchangeably by retail marketers, the difference is more than semantics. There are many stark differences between the mind-set, process and outcome of one vs. the other. A test isn't an experiment, and an experiment isn't a test. Experimentation is done without a fear of…

Winning the Battle for Mobile Shelf Space

The unprecedented adoption of mobile devices will make this holiday season the most connected in history. Consumers are turning to their mobile devices for information, promotions and discounts, giving marketers the opportunity to transform each interaction into a personalized customer experience across every channel — email, SMS, apps, social and the web.