Rick Sunzeri

Rick Sunzeri

Rick Sunzeri serves as the client solutions director at ClearSale and is an experienced sales professional with a background in SaaS and complex network solutions. Rick specializes in enterprise-class sales with experience selling business applications to senior business and technology executives. Follow on LinkedInFacebookInstagramTwitter @ClearSaleUS, or visit https://www.clear.sale.

With Consumers Wary of Sharing Data, How Can Retailers Connect?

First-party data is increasingly necessary for retailers to offer customers the kinds of personalized experiences they expect. Seventy-one percent of consumers say they expect personalized interactions with companies, according to McKinsey, but consumers are also increasingly wary of sharing their personal data with companies. One recent consumer survey found that only 10 percent fully trust…

What Retailers Can Learn From 2023 Holiday E-Commerce Data

After several years of altered consumer behavior and often-conflicting news about the economy throughout 2023, retailers have sometimes found it challenging to understand what’s normal customer behavior now. Regardless of the trends and pre-holiday forecasts, assessing how your store actually performed is the key to preparing for a stronger holiday season performance in 2024 —…