Rich Minns

Rich Minns

Rich Minns is Commerce and Customer Experience Leader at Capgemini. He oversees architecture, development, infrastructure, and helps customers envision solutions for engaging, experience-driven commerce websites for clients at Capgemini Americas. Minns brings over 20 years of executive experience at Top 500 eCommerce Retail companies and has led hundreds of successful commerce launches on numerous different technology platforms.

The Subscription Economy is Taking Off. Here’s How to Get on Board.

The subscription economy has grown more than 435 percent over the last nine years. Internationally, nearly eight in 10 adults use subscription services. In the U.S. alone, 42 percent of men and 28 percent of women have three or more subscriptions. Between 2020 and 2025, the subscription market is set to more than double from its current $650 billion market…