Paul Welsh

Paul Welsh

Paul Welsh is VP of Analytics at Boston-based Customer Portfolios, a marketing technology leader that uses insight and analytics to increase customer value. You can follow Customer Portfolios on Twitter at @CustPortfolios

Measuring Catalog Success in the Digital Age: Part 2

Part one of this multipart series ran last week.  Here’s the impact that sending a catalog to a lapsed customer can have on revenue: Best Customer Control spend per customer: $8.00 (blends conversion and order value) Test spend per customer: $8.50 Cost of mailing: $0.50 Return on ad spend (ROAS) of mail group: 17x Incremental revenue: $0.50 (breakeven) Lapsed Customer…

Measuring Catalog Success in the Digital Age, Part 1

You might think in this multichannel marketing world of increased personalization and automated response where consumers buy or pass in a split-second at a surging number of contact points, that the catalog is dead. You would be wrong. Times have changed, for sure, but the catalog has endured, often bringing in big numbers for mailers.…