Paige O'Neill

Paige O'Neill

Paige brings over 20 years of experience in senior marketing roles crossing many areas of enterprise software, customer experience, and cloud computing. As Chief Marketing Officer, she combines product marketing expertise with an extensive background in communications and a passion for developing thought leadership programs that build awareness, differentiation, and demand. Prior to joining Sitecore, Paige was CMO at digital workplace platform provider Prysm, where she rebranded the company and helped it transition to a combined SaaS and hardware business. She previously served as CMO at SDL and as Vice President of Marketing for Aprimo, where her thought leadership, demand generation, and communications programs contributed to rapid growth. Paige also served as CMO at PHH Arval and two early-stage startups—Aravo and GreenRoad Technologies. Prior to PHH, Paige spent a decade at Oracle Corporation leading a variety of marketing initiatives.

Navigating Success in a 'Phygital' World: What Retailers Must Get Right

As digital ad costs continue to climb, it’s no surprise that direct-to-consumer (D-to-C) brands are looking for new ways to connect with customers. However, they cannot take a one-size-fits-all approach to customer engagement. Today’s shoppers are split on where they prefer to engage with brands. In fact, our recent Brand Authenticity Report found that nearly…

3 Ways to Avoid the Retail Naughty List This Holiday Season

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are quickly approaching and more than ever this holiday season, retailers need to cater to shoppers wherever they are as they research and purchase products. A recent survey of 3,000 global, multigenerational consumers found that 90 percent expect their customer experience to be consistent this holiday season regardless of how they shop — online or in-store. While this is no small feat, if retail brands keep the following priorities top of mind, they'll be ready to meet customer demands this Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

3 Tips for Reaching Global Consumers

Cultural variances are present in brick-and-mortar stores, from what products are offered to how they're merchandised, but these nuances are often lost online. Too often, language is an afterthought. In today's global economy, retailers that are able to replicate the in-store experience and provide a localized approach to online shopping will have a significant advantage.