Nola Solomon

Nola Solomon

Nola Solomon serves as Senior Vice President, Global Go-to-Market Strategy & Commercialization for Criteo. With over a decade of digital advertising experience in both the US and abroad, Solomon brings deep programmatic expertise and a truly international perspective to her role leading Criteo’s global go-to-market strategy. Solomon is responsible for propelling growth by driving strategic product initiatives and aligning overall product strategy with commercial perspectives.   

Prior to Criteo, Solomon served as Vice President, Programmatic, Advanced Advertising Product & Strategy at NBCUniversal Media, and held previous leadership roles at Dailymotion, The Trade Desk, and AOL.

Addressability is the Antidote to Ad Fatigue

Gone are the days when a catchy jingle or clever billboard held sway over consumer attention. Today, the shopping experience is a digital dance, one where brands must learn the measures delicately and efficiently to avoid stepping on toes and wasting money. In an era when digital advertising has become increasingly pervasive, the challenge for…