Mike Robinson

Mike Robinson

With over 25 years of leadership experience in the retail industry, Mike Robinson is a valuable addition to the founding team of The Eighth Notch, a technology platform focused on sustainable last-mile deliveries. His expertise in digital retail growth, product management and technology delivery, gained through roles at Macys.com, Gap Inc., IBM, and PwC Consulting, make him a sought-after strategic advisor to several early-stage start-ups. Additionally, Robinson serves as an Independent Board member of Vista Outdoors, Inc.

A Journey From Shameless Consumer to Conscious Consumer … and Maybe Even Eco-Warrior

Whether we all realize it or not, there has been a shift in the force. We're changing our stripes as a consumer-based society. Where once choice was primarily driven only by factors like quality, price, brand affinity, and even endorsement, now other, larger existential factors are impacting how we make purchase decisions — namely, how…

Unraveling the Illusion: The Hidden Costs and Dilemmas of 'Free Shipping' in E-Commerce

All of us are familiar with the phrase, "Nothing in life is free," (including lunch), but this sentiment truly resonates when examining the intricacies of free shipping in e-commerce. What if we changed the script on free shipping, viewing it not merely as a business maneuver, but instead as a catalyst for eco-conscious evolution? It…

The Green Gap: Synchronizing Customer and Retailer Sentiment on a Sustainable Final Mile

It's impossible to ignore the prominence of sustainability discourse in today's society — it's ubiquitous and omnipresent. The marked shift in the perception of consumers and businesses towards this issue is not only noticeable, but also intensifying. Ambitious objectives in the coming decades and beyond are concentrated on making considerable leaps in our thought processes,…