Mike Morini

Mike Morini

Mike Morini is CEO at WorkForce Software, a cloud-based workforce management solutions provider enabling enterprise and mid-size organizations to digitize time and attendance processes, optimize employee scheduling, simplify absence management, and gain strategic business insights.

Mike Morini’s approach to driving company growth is centered on employees, customers, and the broader community of partners and analysts. Mike is a 30-year software veteran experienced in growing and scaling enterprise software companies. With an extensive background building out global cloud-based platforms, he has helped shape and guide multiple fast-growth companies in the cloud arena. Before joining WorkForce Software, Mike was previously in CEO and COO positions at SAP, Aria Systems, OutlookSoft, InterWorld, and Verbind. Mike holds a BA from Colgate University.

How Consumer Grade Workforce Management Systems Help Retailers Keep Pace

“Greater competition, increasing consumer demands, a tight labor market, new compliance legislation, and a workforce expecting more from employers — all are making life difficult for retailers around the world.” Sound familiar? Of course it does. The truth is “upheaval” is the standard state of business. “New technologies disrupting business as usual” is a complaint…

Ready or Not, Here it Comes: What Predictive Scheduling Means for Retail Managers

For anybody who has shopped in a brick-and-mortar store, the influence of in-store teams on the shopping experience is no secret. A great experience with a store associate can quickly catapult the brand to the top of a shopper’s favorites list, while a poor interaction or, even worse, the inability to find someone to help,…