Michael Osborne

Michael Osborne

Michael Osborne is the chief executive officer for Appriss Retail. He has more than 20 years of experience bringing disruptive and innovative solutions to market in B2B eCommerce, marketing technology, and enterprise software segments. His experience spans the range of co-founding and leading seed-stage companies to growing scaled businesses to nearly one thousand employees. He’s a people-first leader who works with investors and directors, employees and partners, to achieve growth and results quickly and efficiently.

Prior to joining Appriss Retail, Osborne served as the president of Wunderkind where he oversaw all commercial functions ranging from sales and marketing to strategic alliances and international partnerships. He has served as CEO, President, CRO, SVP of Sales, member of the Board of Directors, and Advisor for more than a dozen companies, including SmarterHQ, which was purchased by Wunderkind.

Retail Returns Horror Stories: Mitigating Fraud Through Data and Analytics

Go to any retail store and the associates likely have some spooky stories to tell when it comes to returns fraud and abuse. For instance, imagine a box arrives for a returned computer and all that’s inside is a heap of heavy rocks. Unfortunately, fraudsters and organized retail crime (ORC) groups are only getting craftier…

Tackling Holiday Returns? The Secret to Success Unveiled

A whopping 69 percent of retailers treat returns as a cost of doing business, meaning they simply accept that they will incur $165 million in merchandise returns for every $1 billion in sales. This problem is further exacerbated during the holiday season when 17.9 percent of merchandise sold is returned. But what if one shift could…

2020 Holiday Retail Predictions

Fall is here, and for some that means pumpkin spice lattes, knit sweaters and a family trip to the apple orchard. For us in the retail industry, it’s prep time for the holiday shopping season craze.  And with 2020 having its fair share of uncertainties and surprises, many are questioning what’s in store for the…

What Retailers Should Learn From the 2019 Holiday Inbox

With a 3.4 percent growth in holiday retail sales, early reports from the 2019 season are positive. Online and mobile shopping saw the biggest growth last year, recording a 19 percent rise in online spending, and nearly 80 percent of consumers used their phones to purchase gifts. Part of the continued shift from in-store to…

Retail Marketing Priorities Don’t Fully Align With Consumer Preferences

Today’s consumers have an attention span shorter than a goldfish. And with 95 percent of millennials admitting to doing other things while shopping, it’s no wonder retailers are facing challenges with consumer hyperconnectivity and hyperdistraction now more than ever before. Marketers are continuously searching for the secret sauce to break through the noise, effectively connect…

Why Millennials Matter to Retailers

Digitally connected, frequently distracted, and impervious to mass marketing techniques, millennials have certainly given retail executives and marketers a run for their money. Long gone are the days of simple batch-and-blast emails or in-store promotions to garner significant return on investment. Today, it’s about the integration of both the physical with the digital, so the…

The Year Omnichannel Ambitions Become a Reality for Retailers

It's a question that's been at the forefront of marketers’ minds for years: How can I engage with customers uniquely, based on both their interests and their value to my brand? And then digging deeper: How can I manage that conversation not just digitally, but offline, too, through any channel? These are questions that have been asked, pondered, discussed and, ultimately, never answered. That is, until now. The promise of omnichannel marketing enlightenment gets realized this year.