Michael Lukaszczyk

Michael Lukaszczyk

Michael Lukaszczyk is the co-founder and CEO at Hygraph. He’s a SaaS builder with a product focus and 19 years of web development experience.

Unlock Omnichannel Customer Loyalty With Composable Commerce

Regardless of the time, location or platform that customers choose to interact with their favorite brands, they expect a personalized and engaging experience. And for businesses that can deliver a unified experience, meeting customers' heightened expectations is a great opportunity to outperform rivals. In fact, 80 percent of customers admit that the experience a company…

How Can Retailers Adapt to Ever-Evolving Customer Expectations?

Personalized commerce experiences have long been the holy grail for retail and consumer packaged goods (CPGs) companies. As consumers now expect to interact and purchase from companies via an array of touchpoints, it's now more important than ever for brands to provide a seamless and cohesive omnichannel digital experience, no matter how customers start or…