Larry Freed

Larry Freed
Online Surveying: How a Little Misinformation Can Be Dangerous

“Customer 2.0” has revolutionized the way that companies are doing business. Customers are more in control of their transactions than ever before and can be in multiple places at multiple times, all thanks to the Internet. At a session I led during last week’s ACCM conference in Boston, the panel and I discussed ways multichannel marketers can get to know such customers better. For instance, when companies use online surveying methods to find out what their Web customers want, they should be aware that misinformation is often more dangerous than no information at all. It’s critical that companies gather “voice of customer” information that provides

E-commerce: Lessons Learned From Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is considered to be the kickoff of the holiday season for all retailers with a Web presence, from catalog players to brick and mortar shops and Internet pure-plays. After a weekend of holiday festivities, people are back at their desks and in their offices, and in the spirit of the holidays, they’re shopping. This season, we conducted a study of more than 36,000 retail Web site visitors over the 2006 Thanksgiving weekend and found that shopper satisfaction dropped significantly on Cyber Monday from previously high levels over the holiday weekend. This research offers a couple of lessons you can implement so you can