Ken Zwiebel

Ken Zwiebel

Ken Zwiebel is General Manager at PerimeterX, a company that protects the world’s largest and most reputable websites and mobile applications from malicious activities, future-proofing digital businesses from automated bot attacks and client-side stealth attacks.

Zweibel was previously the CEO of PageSeal, a provider of client-side malware protection, acquired by PerimeterX in 2019.

5 Ways to Secure Your E-Commerce Site From Client-Side Malware

Of the numerous malicious attacks that significantly affect your e-commerce business, client-side malware is one of the most lethal because it comes from the customer’s computer and isn't easily detectable. Its core goal is to interfere with client traffic on your website by redirecting them to other online stores. If not dealt with, client-side malware…

Protecting Your Site Isn’t Enough Anymore: Injected Malware Has Retailers Reeling

For some, cybersecurity is a matter of faith; they deploy the latest and greatest security systems on their retail sites, and pray they don't get hacked. Others take a more scientific approach; they not only install security systems, but they also check their log files, system processes, and metrics like the amount of time visitors…