Julian Kahlon

Julian Kahlon

Julian Kahlon is Founder and CEO of Project Verte, a full-circle e-commerce solution.

Serial Returners Need a Serious Solution

E-commerce is a land of high expectations. Customers not only expect but demand high-quality products, speedy delivery, and hassle-free return policies. Large public e-commerce sites have made these the standards to which all other brands must compete. So what happens to direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands that do everything in-house? They can't do one-day shipping, they can't…

On the Same Page: Blockchain, Communication and E-Commerce

Communication. Coordination. User experience. These aren't typically the traits that come to mind when discussing blockchain. Instead, many associate the technology with its ability to increase transparency. However, when we think past transparency, the blockchain conversation comes into full bloom. Direct-to-consumer e-commerce is endlessly complex. The flows of information are endless, channels seem to multiply…