John Thies

John Thies

John Thies is the CEO and co-founder of Email on Acid, a service that gives email marketers a preview of how their emails are displayed in the most popular email clients and mobile devices. Reach him at

4 Tools for Personalizing Your Holiday Marketing

Retailers and marketers worth their salt know that an effective marketing campaign is essential for making the most of the Christmas shopping season. If you canā€™t attract eyes to your brand, then youā€™re going to seriously miss out on the single most profitable time of the year. Marketing customized to your brand and personalized toā€¦

How to Lose Email Subscribers in 10 Days or Less

Email marketing in the retail industry is a lot like dating. Getting new leads is always exciting, but too often, retailers can become a bit overzealous and end up making some basic, yet fatal, mistakes. Your new email leads need and deserve nurturing from you, the retailer, in order to feel loved and wanted. Onceā€¦