Jessica Thiefels

Jessica Thiefels

Jessica Thiefels is an organic content marketing consultant. She has been writing and editing for more than 10 years and spent the last six years in marketing. She stepped down from a senior marketing position to focus on growing her own startup and consulting for small businesses. She’s been featured on Forbes and has written for sites such as Lifehack, Inman, Manta, StartupNation and more. When she’s not working, she’s enjoying sunny San Diego with her husband and friends or traveling somewhere new. Follow her on Twitter @Jlsander07 and connect on LinkedIn.

5 Ways for Local Retailers to Make the Most of Offline Marketing

Marketers have more options to reach consumers than ever before. With so much focus on new technology and digital trends, it can be easy to forget about offline marketing and the positive impact it can have on your bottom line. In fact, a recent survey by FedEx Office found that 80 percent of small business…

5 Ways to Update Your E-Commerce Site in the New Year

The New Year is a perfect time to give your e-commerce site the refresh that it needs. With the holiday season behind us, it’s time to prep for the year ahead, and an important part of that is getting your website up-to-date. Not only do you likely need to update products or service offerings, but…

How to Create Coupons People Actually Use

Everyone is looking for a deal, both online and offline. In fact, 73 percent of consumers rely on coupons more than they did three years ago. We know people want to save money; the trouble is getting them to use your money-saving coupons. If you’re struggling in this area, there could be a number of…