Jeff Trachsel

Jeff Trachsel
3 Types of Customers Waiting for More Trade-In Offerings From Retailers

Rewind to five years ago, and the average consumer knew very little about trading in old electronics for store gift cards or cash value. Fast-forward to now: times have changed. The average shopper today is more educated about their purchases than ever before, and trade-in has become a critical tool available to help them get…

3 Ways Retailers Can Capitalize on Nomophobia

The addiction to smartphones is real. In fact, people are so addicted to their smartphones that a clinical term is now dedicated to the psychological attachment people have to their devices: nomophobia, short for no-mobile-phone-phobia. The fear of phone separation is a growing trend that marketers, especially in retail, should be watching. Now more than…

Reviving the Retail Store Atmosphere

Showrooming, the act of researching a product in-store before purchasing online, has plagued retailers for years and enabled e-commerce to chip away at in-store sales. Lately, however, experts have noted the trend picking up the most steam is actually the opposite – savvy shoppers opting to browse options online prior to purchasing in-store. According to…