Jeff Jarvis

Jeff Jarvis

As PossibleNOW’s Senior Vice President of Strategy and Consulting, Jeff provides thought leadership related to the deployment and utilization of zero-party data (customer consents, preferences, and insights). He handles executive management responsibilities for pre-sales, strategic consulting, and implementation services. He helps customers identify pain points, craft solutions unique to their needs, and provides guidance across the implementation and assessment processes.   

Jeff has a broad and extensive background in domestic and international business environments across myriad industries. He has held executive positions with FreebeePay, Agentek, SupportSoft, and CoreNetworks and management positions with Mosaix, Sequent Computer and IBM, helping companies drive business growth, develop high-performance sales and service organizations and implement process best practices.  

Zero-Party Data Management is Needed to Protect Consumer Privacy

Entering 2022, privacy technology was identified as the top prediction for increased marketing investment to look for throughout the year. Consumers have voiced anger, confusion and suspicion over company breaches, unwanted sharing of personal information, and collection of data from other entities. A survey right before the new year, seen in Forbes, showed that almost…

How Trust With Customers Will Reshape Tomorrow’s Industry Leaders 

Consumers have a bigger voice today, enhanced by a plethora of information sources and endless opportunities to voice their opinion on social media. As a result, modern businesses and their marketing arms are realizing they need more customer-centric approaches that create more direct relationships through engagement and more personalized experiences. In order to do this, businesses need a more direct pathway and visibility into each…