Jason Finkelstein

Jason Finkelstein

Jason Finkelstein is chief marketing officer at Gladly, a customer service platform helping the world’s most loved brands deliver loyalty through radically personal customer service. Jason is a five-time CMO with experience at high-growth startups, private and public SaaS businesses including AdRoll, Traitify (acquired by Paradox), AVG Technologies (acquired by Avast) and Location Labs (acquired by AVG). He is also a co-founder of Numa and serves as a GTM advisor for several B2B SaaS businesses. For more details on Gladly’s offerings, visit www.glady.com

Turning Returns Into Return Customers, Not Lost Revenue

Imagine a long day of getting the kids ready for school, going to work, heading to soccer practice, and then coming home to make dinner only to remember that the clothes you ordered that didn’t fit are still sitting in your bedroom waiting to be returned. When you go online to initiate the return process,…

Turning Holiday Returns Into Return Customers With Radically Personal Customer Service

Black Friday is famed as the inaugural event for the holiday shopping season with retailers already beginning to squeeze an average of 20 percent to 40 percent of sales into the last two months of the year. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic when many chose to forgo their typical holiday traditions, the retail industry still…

Buyer Beware: 3 Things to Consider Before Working With Walled Gardens

For D-to-C brands entering the market, it’s easy to rely on third-party platforms like Amazon.com, Google, Facebook, and Instagram for easy access to millions of ready-to-shop consumers.  However, with this strategy, brands can quickly find themselves stuck in a perpetual state of customer acquisition, facing constantly rising costs, pricing pressure, and less frequent repeat purchases…