Jared Blank

Jared Blank

Jared Blank is the chief marketing officer at VTEX. He has more than 15 years of experience in the B2B and B2C sectors, including e-commerce management, omnichannel implementation and online strategy. Prior to joining the VTEX team, Jared worked with Tommy Hilfiger for nearly nine years – most recently having been its VP of e-commerce – as well as Bluecore, Doodle and Deloitte, providing him with a strong foundation of technology and retail experience.

Provide the Convenience Consumers Crave With Conversational Commerce

Customers’ expectations for convenient experiences have never been higher. In fact, 76 percent of consumers say convenience is their top priority when selecting a retailer. Wait times are getting shorter and shorter, and consumers now expect ease and convenience in every brand interaction. When one in three customers say they would walk away from their…

5 Customer Behaviors and What They Mean for Retailers’ Email Programs

I’ve received more than 30 retailer emails today alone … and it’s not even lunch time. These emails range from basic blasts with varying degrees of relevance to me to more personalized abandoned cart reminders and follow-ups on items I’ve interacted with. It might seem that I’m reviewing these with a particularly critical eye, but…